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A Squirrel And A Lesson Of Love

This morning as I sat and drank my coffee, I watched this momma squirrel teach her baby where to go to collect their breakfast.  As she ran up and down the tree over the wooden fence, her baby followed her every foot step. Stopping when mom stopped, running when mom ran and jumping to the next spot just like mom was doing. 
It was a peaceful moment in time in which my daddy God reminded me of his love and care for all his children and his love for me.

I began to think back on the many times in my life his footprints  guided me down the tress, over the fences and through the rough spots in my life, 
The many people he placed in my path to encourage me through my brokenness. 
The love of family and friends that feed me with words of strength and healing.
I began to see all the times in my life he used me to feed others even through my own struggles.
When I surrender to his will, my focus shifts from my own brokenness to theirs. 
In return he positions others to stand for me.
Just as the baby squirrel looked to his mom for direction this morning, it is when I seek the footprints of my daddy God I find my way.
No matter what I am facing in life.....
His love is unfailing....
His grace is given abundantly.....
His mercies are new every day....
He never forsakes me.....
And when I can't walk in his footsteps.....
He carries me.

Psalm 73:26
My flesh and heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart. and my portion forever.

It amazes me what he will use to show his love. 
This morning it was a squirrel and her baby.
 I  share His words which were spoken to my heart this morning as I believe they apply not only me but to all.

"Just as she cares for her baby , I care that much more for you.
I will never allow you to go unfed....
For my love is greater than all others. 
You are mine and the apple of my eye my child.....
It is through me you can do all things.
I bind the wounds and heal the broken hearted....
I will restore 10 fold of what has been lost in your life...
Not only will I do this for you, but for all my children.
Take heart my child it is Me, your Father, who will do great things in your life....
And for all those who love me. "

Romans 8:28
And we know that all things work together for good  to those who love God,
to those who are called according to his purpose.

I encourage you, no matter what you may be facing today....
There is a positive for every negative....
A blessing in every trial......
And a love that is unfailing to carry you through.
Look for His foot steps and keep going.



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