My Book Nook

“She Stands” is a small collection of women who have faced hardships, rejection, abuse, and difficulties. Each share how the love of God brought us to a place of healing, peace, and joy, in spite of our circumstances and situations. It is this love that we all share with you. We hope you too will be an over comer able see the love of God manifest fully in your life and live the life He has for you.

She is the first one to run in when someone she loves needs rescuing with her sword drawn and her soul ready to battle. The smile on her face says all will be well. The love in her heart overflowing, having never a thought for herself and yet no one really knows the brokenness she carries inside. The broken baby, who never truly healed, is now a woman whose pieces desperately need repair. And that woman was me. I found God's love through the many broken pieces in my life. He put a lifetime of pieces back together healing one wound at a time.
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