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Her Name is Angie...

 On March 19th, 2011 her entire world changed  within a blink of an eye........

Forgiveness can be such a tough road to walk......
A road filled with hurt.....
A heart that has been beaten and shattered.....
A physical pain that is unbearable......
Misery at its worse....
Grief that has no words to describe.

This is the road she now walks........
And has been for the last two years.

Angie was hit head on by a drunk driver, driving a F150 truck, on March 19th, 2011.
The impaired driver was traveling at a speed of 65 miles per hour  when she crossed the center line.....Angie was traveling at 60.

To say it is a miracle she survived would be an understatement.

She had to be cut from her vehicle and sustained multiple, multiple injuries.
Every bone in her face was crushed, which according to the doctor's was equivalent to a shot gun blast to her face.
She had a broken jaw, upper and lower......
Broken right ankle.....
Fractured left leg....
Shattered right knee....
Fractured neck....
Broken collar bone....
Severely ripped lip.....
Brain injury to the frontal lobe.........
Lung failure....
Six broken ribs..........
She had to be placed on a feeding tube and had to have a tracheotomy.

Once again......
By the grace of God she survived!!!!

Angie now walks the ultimate road of forgiveness as she has had to learn to walk, talk, eat, and swallow all over again.
This go get em' lady who's independence and strength in life had been curtailed,  now struggles to understand .........

"Why me?"

It is our lack of understanding in life's tragedies that seem to take  hold of all our emotions......
In the wake of healing physically, we now suffer emotionally. 
The whys and  how comes take over on our worst days.....
And the lack of answers sting us to our core.

Angie's  ultimate forgiveness comes in forgiving the driver who hit her.....
The one who drove while impaired....
Who made the unwise choice to get behind the wheel.....
The decision that changed her life completely....
The decision that was not her own. 

I can not imagine Angie's pain nor will I pretend to.......
What I do know is when we do not forgive, it is like swallowing poison ourselves and waiting for the other person to kill over......

Unforgiveness is a bitter character.....
He steals our joy.....
He steals our peace.....
Our happiness.......
He stomps all over our hearts and minds, having us to relive the pain over and over again.....
He invites bitterness and resentment in , only for them to play tag with our emotions....
He sets up his own projector screen within our minds to play his never ending movie through all our emotions.

Forgiveness is not for the other person.......
It is for ourselves....
Our own healing.....
Our own happiness....
Our own peace.

I feel sure on days when the pain Angie suffers is unbearable, she doesn't want to forgive....
She probably wants to rant and rave....
Pitch a fit....
Scream at the top of her lungs....
Cry until she can cry no more....
At least that is how I believe I would feel, if I were in Angie's shoes.
Forgiveness can be so hard!

But Angie has chosen forgiveness even on her hardest days......
And she continues to make her way, two years later in her recovery....
Physically and emotionally.
She is a child of the Most High God.......
 Beautiful and precious...... 
A virtous woman full of God's grace and mercy.
A voice to and for other victims.....
A heart of forgiveness.......
She has become an  inspiration to me and I pray she will be to you.

Her name is Angie...... and 'She Stands"


Romans 8:28

28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose.

*This story is told with Angie's permission*
                                                           * Photo credit Angie G.*


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