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A Light in the Darkness: By Brenda L. Yoder

I was driving in dense fog the other day when I passed an Amish pony cart filled with teen girls. They were holding a small light that blinked on and off, in an attempt to let oncoming cars know they were there. It looked so feeble, this small light that flickered at even paces, barely showing through the fog.
Cars well equipped with broad headlights seemed to fly by them with no trouble and there they slowly clip-clopped down the road in the white cloud with a lone, small light.

"I'm here! Can you see me? Please see me…don’t just pass me by. I’m fragile" the light seemed to say in the thick cloud, transporting the girls in the flimsy, open cart.

The scene made me think of people going through tough times, traveling on their journey in what can seem like fog-like conditions.  Overtaken by circumstances of life - depression, betrayal, grief…..a thick fog that surrounds and overwhelms when life becomes heavy.

Their inward cry says “I’m here! Can you see me? Please help me – don’t dismiss me.” The timid cry as faint as a small, blinking light.  To a keen onlooker, one faintly sees their cry in the fog.

Several people came to mind that day, whose burdens are private yet so heavy…. being carried by just a few, while the rest of the world whizzes by, not knowing the pain they carry. Yet there they are, barely hanging on….crying out in the fog, “I’m here….can you see me? I’m fragile. Please don’t pass me by.”

My heart was heavy, carrying the load, lifting each one to the Savior…..

"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work 
If one falls down, his friend can help him up.
Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves.
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken."
Ecclesiastes 4:9, 10,12

Whose dim light is flickering on  your road?  Are you whizzing past them at break-neck speed, or do you see their light, their cry for help?  Are you willing to stop, get in the cart, and ride with them?  I'd love to hear how you respond to those around you in need.

Dear Lord, help us not to be too busy to see those around is in need.  Equip us with the time and compassion to reach out to those around us and to lift them in prayer to you.  Thank you.


  1. I absolutely love this!!! Such a wonderful reminder and lesson for us all!! Thank you again for contributing to She Stands!!!



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