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Am I Ready Lord ??

I can speak of my past.......
I feel safe in my present..........
But I am nervous for my future......
Excited and nervous wrapped into one.

Am I ready Lord??

God's word tells us, He did not give us a spirit of fear, but of love and sound mind.
So why am I so nervous?
 Maybe I am scared of myself.....
Scared I will maybe make the same choices again.....
Scared the "old" me will resurface and the emotional baggage of my past will consume the me of today.....
~Lord No~
Fearful if I truly allow someone in, I will be rejected....
Or the choices I make will be just that, MY choices and not God's will for my life.
~Sweet Jesus~

 My door of isolation has opened, I take my first few steps breathing in the new season that is upon me......
It is a sweet excitement.....
Very sweet! 
But as refreshing as it is, part of me wants to run back to the sheltered place I have lived.....
My comfort zone......
My safe place......
Where it's just been me and God......
No rejection.....
No judgement......
No fear.......
My unconditional love......
A love that is without fail.

That's what the enemy wants me to do.
To stay put, not move and live my life peeking around the corner.....
Not uttering a word ......
Closed off.....
And closed up.
Never speaking of the love and grace of my daddy God.....
Never to be a testimony of his healing grace in my life......

BUT my daddy God says different.....
And HE has the final word!!!!

For every correction.....
For every healing.....
Every restoration in my life....
 All leads to the blessings my daddy God has for me.
Blessings in the ministry.....
Blessings in my personal life.....
Blessings over my children......
Blessings over all whom I hold dear to my heart.

Over the past few days, I have gone back to all the promises and prophetic words spoken over me from the Lord.
To remind myself of what HE says......
To shut the enemy up!!!!!

Once again..."Am I ready Lord?"
My answer......
"Yes you are!!"

Ready to walk around that corner......
~no more peeking~
 Ready for my next season my daddy God has for me.
~happy happy girl~

My winter season was one of healing and restoring me back to my Father.
It was one of correction and shaping.....
One of protection and training.....
Learning and growing.....
Stretching my faith to a new level......
Standing as I had never stood before.....
Leaning on Him and Him alone......
Learning to love and extend grace through the eyes and heart of Christ.

My spring season is here and the promised reaping of a harvest is upon me.
For that I am so very thankful!!!
~His word never returns void~

It is through Him that I can do ALL things and so can you!!!
I encourage you, if you are still peeking around your corner and God has instructed you to walk out.......
Your break through is here!!
Spring has arrived!!!
Turn that corner and walk it like a boss!!!!!
Your daddy God has already paved the way for you!!!

We are children of the Most High!!! :)


1 Corinthians 2:9

However, as it is written:
“What no eye has seen,
    what no ear has heard,
and what no human mind has conceived”[a]
    the things God has prepared for those who love him—

* I take no credit for photo*


  1. Needed this today Stacey! I can see things opening up for me but am afraid to let anyone get too close because I don't want the hurt again Really gives me something to think and pray about.......Love u Kathy:)

  2. I am so glad it ministered to your heart my sweet sweet friend!!! We will both turn that corner together!!! Love you!!!

    We need a phone chat soon :))

  3. Yes we definitely do !!!!!! :)

  4. I want to know what's around your corner! Glad you're ready to go for it. I'll be back to check on you:)

  5. Hi Stacey, beautifully written. Standing with you as you move into this new season in your life. I pray that this is a season of GREAT blessing
    God bless

    1. Ahhhh Tracy, you always stand for me, even when it's the middle of the might and I can't sleep :))
      You bless me BIG my friend!!!


  6. Hey Stacy,
    Keep standing! Remember we win! May this new beginning continue and never ever give up.Everyone has their own dragons to slay. But it is His Word we have as our sword.
    Blessins, Roxy

    1. Hi Roxy,
      Thank you for your sweet encouraging words!!! Stand I will!!!

      Blessings to you!!

  7. I think you have described the walk that we all repeat so many times in our lives. it's that labyrinth of closer, closer, whooops! Back out again, darn it.
    But here you are, ready to walk the path prepared for you. Good for you! I'll be excited to read more about your journey. I'll just have to join your blog so I find out!

    Peace in Christ,

    1. Ceil,
      I would love for you to follow my blog. What a blessing!!! Thank you for your kind words!! Looking forward to getting to know you in this wionderful blogging world!!!

      Blessings to you!!!

  8. God gave us life and He wants us to live it, not peek around the corner of it. And living, for the time we are given it, is wonderful. Not perfect, but wonderful.

    1. Amen Mrs.P!!! I couldn't have said it better!!! Thank you for always lifting me up!! I love when you stop by :))

      Blessings to you!!!!!!

  9. Hallelujah, nothing will stop me from fulfilling destiny! Thanks a lot for this encouragement, visiting from DYWW, have a super blessed day!


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