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My Light Bulb of Obedience

Over the past several weeks, my daddy God has me reading.....
And reading, and reading and reading some more.

No TV, no phones calls.....
No favorite weekly shows......
 Just reading.

He has had me reading everything from Tamar, Rahab, Bathsheba, Ruth, Amos, Aaron, Jonathan, King David to King Solomon.......
The old testament is where He has placed me .......
And it seems I will be here for a time set by the Lord.

I was never an old testament kinda girl.....
After so many "begats" I honestly lost interested.....
I couldn't keep with them all.....
Bored and irritated I would become.

I was a new testament girl......
Or I though I was.........

It was easier for me to read the new testament.....
The understanding was greater......
I saw the promises.....
I felt the joy....

The old testament.....
Not so much.....

It holds so much war, death and destruction....
Harsh correction.....
And sever consequences.

Consequences that came from lack of obedience.

For each of the persons He has had me to study, He has shown me their failures in life.....
However His emphasis has been on their obedience!!!

They all sinned, fell down, repented and praised the Lord in their lives.
They sought after His will in spite of their down falls and life circumstances. 
He loved them, blessed them, and showed His mercy to them all. .....
Because of their obedience.

He has always desired His children's obedience to Him, our Father.
To trust His word and instructions.....
Even when we don't understand.

My level of understanding in obedience is growing.....
Despite my circumstances....
Regardless of the battles surrounding me......
I am growing.

One of God's promises to his children states , "if I walk with the wise I grow wise. "

Proverbs 13:20

King James Version (KJV)
20 He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.

I want to encourage you......

When the world tends to wrong you, continue to walk in the steps of obedience your daddy God has ordered. There in those steps is where we find our blessings and the favor of God.

I believe my daddy God has me walking amongst the wise in every word that I read....
Every life that is shared......Tamar, Rahab, Bathsheba, and Ruth
Every battle that is won......King David, Aaron, King Solomon and Jonathan and Amos

I am now an old testament girl......

And  my "light bulb of obedience" is now shinning a little brighter~



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