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I Have Better......

 I can relate to this picture in several ways. Holding to the things I love in life, at times, can be a downfall for me. I clutch to the small with the belief this is the best I can do. I put restrictions on my daddy God as I live my daily life in a complacent safe zone; a area where no growth is available and a season that has come to its end. The reality is I get comfortable and convince myself I am right where I need to be.

And all the while He is telling me "Trust me. I have better."

 The definition of trust..... to depend on, believe, have faith, and assurance in. And yet I continue to cling to what I think is best. The truth, my truth, is the struggle I have been battling within myself and my reasoning behind it. Though I feel my reasons are warranted, my complacency however is not.
The world will have me to believe what I am holding in my hands is it, all there is for me to receive in this life.

That's the worlds version
However Jesus gives me a promise, a promise for us all.

John 10:10 (NKJV)
The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.

Abundantly...... more, greater, excessive and exceedingly. (Strongs Concordance)

His word says abundantly.
To live in abundance it is up to me to let go of the many things I clutch tightly to and trust in the things He has already prepared for me.  Greater will be my wisdom, exceedingly more will my heart love, and excessive grace will I be able to extend. It is not easy when I am called to let go, to see beyond the moment and trust there is more but in the releasing is where I gain.

When my hands hold the brokenness of those I love; He tells me " place their pieces at my feet."
When my heart stores the painful journeys of life; He speaks one word, " surrender."
When I grip the small and refuse to let go, He is there holding out His hand telling me.....
" Trust me. I have better."

And then comes the abundance of physical things.  Maybe it's a financial need, a relationship status or a geographical move.  He desires for me to have those things in abundance as well. However I have to be willing to move my feet when and where He says go.  So does my struggle come in the form of my feet not wanting to move?  Maybe its my heart more than my feet?  Whatever the reason, my reason, holding on to seasons reaching their end will only keep me stagnant in my life.

When my feet move, His favor pours over me like a cloak of honey.
When my steps line up  according to His will, the windows of heaven open for His blessings to rain.
And when I trust His plan for my life, it is then I live more abundantly.

I know my life is on the brink of a new season, a place of growth and abundance, and as I take my first small steps, I look up with my small teddy bear in my grasp and see my daddy God reaching out and once again telling me............

" Trust Me I have Better."

His Daughter,


Psalm 16:11 (NKJV)
You will show me the path of life; In your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.






  1. A word I needed to hear today. Thank you for sharing God's heart through your words.

    1. Thank you for stopping by and I am blessed to know these words touched your heart!!


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