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To OverCome

Early this week I was lead to read Psalm 18. 
I read and reread, highlighted certain verses and prayed for my eyes to be open as to what my daddy God wanted me to see. 
Today  verse 17 popped out like neon blinking arrow sign.

Psalm 18:17
He delivered me from my strong enemy

" Ok Lord", I tell him, " What is my current enemy?" 
I know  we all have one enemy who prowls like a roaring lion to destroy us all, however it's his little daily snares that sneak in ever so quietly that I tend to to miss on occasion.

Today my "strong" enemy is revealed. The one who has been assigned to take me down emotionally. 
I began to read the verse again and this time instead of the word "enemy" I replace it with "rejection." 
" He delivered me from my strong rejection."

I have battled with rejection my entire life it seems, but then again who hasn't? We all have been rejected in some form or another. 
 It is a painfully sneaky enemy, one that will leave its victims not only battered and bruised, but tends to slather a heart with feelings of unworthiness and hopelessness.  
No one likes rejection. 
It is hard hitting without any regards of respect nor compassion. 
This time I have called  my enemy out by name with the sole purpose to be done with this battle.....
Once and for all!

So here I sit, bible in hand, wondering which direction I am to take to overcome this minion of a tool the devil himself has sent in an attempt to shatter me. 
I began to search scripture, God's holy word, His promises of redemption and victory. 
All though there are many words of encouragement, the four verses I believe He laid out for me today ignited a new fight from within to overcome. 

Romans 8:28
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose. 
(Thank you Lord for calling me)

Luke 6:22
Blessed are you when men shall hate you, and when they separate you from their company and shall reproach you and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of mans sake. 
( Thank you Lord for separation) 

Romans 8:31
What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? 
( Thank you Lord that you are for me)

Matthew 10:14
 And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words when ye depart out that house or city, shake the dust off your feet. 
( Shaking it off!!)

For me to overcome I had to first recognize what particular enemy was out to hurt me. and to do so I had to ask God for my answer. 
My next step was to go to Gods word and seek His wisdom and guidance on dealing with rejection. 
And my last step is to meditate on His word daily
 His word is a two edged sword that will destroy and conquer any weapon of warfare that comes against me.  
Someone once told me "Rejection is Gods protection."
Choosing to look at it in that aspect takes away the power of unworthiness . 
It gives a new found hope that something better is on the horizon. 
A blessing over and beyond what you or I could ever imagine. 
It puts  more pep in our steps....
More glide in our stride.....
And a fierceness of the heart that can not be explained. 

I encourage you, what ever it is you are trying to over come go to God, ask him what strong enemy is trying to take you out. Once it is brought to light, go to Gods word and apply them to your situation.
You will be victorious!!!

To Overcome..


1 John 4:4
You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. 


    A friend needed this today.
    I needed it yesterday !!

    I do love your seem to hit the heart of matters so beautifully, which means you share the Father's Heart.

    God BLESS you and keep you and may nothing by any means harm YOU. Luke 10.19.


    1. Thank you Mary!! I am so glad you stopped in and your heart was touched!! Prayers for you and your friend!!
      God bless!!

  2. Hi Stacey, I so needed to read this today. Rejection has never been a part of my life, or my thinking in general. But I have noticed a change in my thoughts of late and how it seems rejection is trying its utmost to become part of me, my mind and my heart. I see how so many things seem to lead my thoughts to rejection and right here and right now I reject "it"! I refuse to see things in the light of rejection. I am fearfully and wonderfully made! Thank you my friend for reminding me to recognize the strong enemy, and to take it down, with God's ultimate strength and His truth and light!
    God bless

    1. Sending you much love and many hugs my precious friend!!
      God bless you!!


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