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Walking Through the Desert in Faith


There have been season's in my life when God has instructed me to walk through the desert.

He doesn't give me the whole picture, just one softly spoken instruction for each step directed and ordered by Him. I am in one of those seasons now. Walking through a desert in faith, believing the promises from my daddy God. It can be difficult; this walk in the desert. I want to continue and succeed. I want to get to the place He has for me. My steps get heavier.  My lips are parched> I am tired and my soul cries out. 

Should I turn around?

Should I sit down and cry?

Should I beg and plead for him to move me faster?

My flesh is growing tired and weary. 

And then I hear in my heart.

Matthew 26 verse 41

Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. 

I walk on, not giving in to the temptations of my flesh, when all I want to do is sit, cry and beg for this to be over. To keep my sanity through this season, I talk to Him, I ask questions that only my daddy God can answer for me.

Why are you leading me this way?

Why is it taking so long?

Have I done something wrong Lord?

Lord, am I still in your perfect will??

And then the bigger question, the one that has been bouncing around in my heart, soul and mind.

" Why Lord do others who have hurt me and wronged me have their hearts desires falling like rain?" 

"Lord I am walking through this long, hot desert as you instructed. I am thirsty Lord, so very thirsty for your new rain to fall in my life."

And then I hear Him speak again to my heart.

Psalm 73 verse 26

My flesh and my heart fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. 

I continue to walk.

The days become a little longer and my nights filled with hope that "tomorrow" I will arrive and my blessings will rain. It is then my daddy God brings to me the story of Abraham and Sarah. Abraham is called by God to leave his fathers house to go into the unknown;  He is to take his people to a nation he does not know. A nation God is calling him to. He and his wife are childless for years and years.

Sarah watches as child after child is born among the women in their tribe and yet she is barren.

God has promised Abraham he will make him a father to all nations and yet he has not one child of his own.

But they continued to walk.

Abraham is faithful to God's calling and God is faithful to Abraham.

Abraham is made a father of many nations and Sarah is blessed with the child promised.

I do not know how long or far this walk of mine will be. What I do know is that I serve a faithful God. 

A God whose grace and mercies are new every day.

A God whose love is unfailing and never ending.

A God that calls me His.

And once again as I take my next step I hear him speak to my heart.

1 Corinthians 2 verse 9

 However, as it is written: What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard and what no human mind has conceived the things God has prepared for those who love Him. 

And love Him I do.

If you find yourself walking in a desert of faith today. I encourage you to continue taking those steps. No matter how small they may seem, or tired you have become, His word promises you will arrive in the place the Lord has set out for you. 


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