First Samuel 1 verses 10 and 11.
In bitterness of soul Hannah wept and prayed to the Lord. And she made a vow, saying " O Lord Almighty, if you will only look upon your servant's misery and remember me, and not forget your servant but give her a son, then I will give him to the Lord for all the days of his life, and no razor will ever be used on his head."
Hannah's story in the book of first Samuel details a woman whose desire to have son but yet through her barren years clung mighty to her faith without abandoning her dedication and prayers to the Lord.
Hannah is described as a woman of courage. A woman who chooses not to struggle with Peninnah who bore child after child but instead she took her pleas to God. Though during her time of struggle, Hannah could not understand why things were as they were. She struggled seeing that God had a bigger plan.
Her prayer was not a prayer of defeat; Hannah cried out to God for many years as to why she was childless but through all her frustration she did not give up. Hannah became a woman of mature faith through her suffering.
And poured out her soul to the Lord.
Though I am not a barren woman where children are concerned, I have seasons where I am in a barren state.
As I release my frustrations, I explain to Jesus this season of silence has me in a discombobulated state of mind. I know right from wrong. I know what your word tells me. I know you have not physically left me, but at this exact moment I need to hear your voice. I want Jesus, to speak to me, his daughter, as I would one of my girls. I want to hear, for a lack of better terms, straight from the horse's mouth.
However, what is echoing back to my cries is pure silence.
God's silence has been disheartening to a fault for me. My unanswered questions, and a place of transition and growing pains, has left me pondering seemingly why so much silence and when will my prayers be fulfilled? I go back to my study of Hannah and the lessons she brings forth during her time of struggling silence.
She never gave up.
God's silence has been disheartening to a fault for me. My unanswered questions, and a place of transition and growing pains, has left me pondering seemingly why so much silence and when will my prayers be fulfilled? I go back to my study of Hannah and the lessons she brings forth during her time of struggling silence.
She never gave up.
She did not engage in Peninnah's taunting ways. She took her pleas to God instead.
She was faithful in her prayer life and trusted God to fulfill them in spite of her misery.
She made a vow to God and kept her vow.
In spite of several years of her personal suffering she never allowed her mind to be swayed and remained focused on seeking God's help.
She was unselfish in her prayers and felt certain God would use her according to His will.
And most importantly after she cried out to the Lord, she came to a place where she trusted His process.
God did answer Hannah's pray and blessed her with a son, Samuel, who became a prophet of God.
God did answer Hannah's pray and blessed her with a son, Samuel, who became a prophet of God.
First Samuel 1 verses 27 and 28.
For this child I prayed, and the Lord has granted me my petition which I asked of Him. Therefore, I also have lent him to the Lord; as long as he lives, he shall be lent to the Lord.” So they worshiped the Lord there.
And because she remained faithful in her vow to God, she was blessed with three more sons and two daughters.
Jesus in his divine faithfulness has graciously spoke to me through Hannah's story.
I am to trust His process of silence and in turn my faith will mature as He works behinds the scenes for me.
Jesus in his divine faithfulness has graciously spoke to me through Hannah's story.
I am to trust His process of silence and in turn my faith will mature as He works behinds the scenes for me.
My struggles will not be in vain, nor will they not have a meaning; the blessings will reveal the greatness of God in my life in His time.
Through my struggles I am led to seek God with more sincerity.
Prayer is a relationship not an activity, not a formula but a life.
Hannah's prayer has shown me to truly open my life to God through prayer, I am surrendering my total dependence on Him.
Are you in a season of silence? If so, join me and pray like Hannah.
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