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According To My Fruits

 Jeremiah Chapter 17 Verses 9 and 10

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; Who can know it? I, The Lord, search the heart, I test the mind, even to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his doings.

I read those words over and over and the seven words that stood out to me "according to the fruit of his doings."  We know whatever is in the heart of man, it will manifest itself through words, actions and in behaviors and thoughts. In the days of Jeremiah, we know he was called to speak to a nation whose hearts were filled with deceit, a place where no good fruit was found.  And once again I go back to those seven words and this time, I change them a bit .... " According to the fruit of my doing." 

Did you hear those words?  I put my own heart in that verse for the Lord to search.  That is not an easy task. No one likes to be called out for the wrong we say, do or even think. It's so much easier if we can just sweep it under the rug and forget. I long for my fruits to be all which has been given to me, however there are those days when the fruits of my heart are less than. When my peace is replaced with strife, joy with anguish, patience with irritation and love with extreme dislike. My gentleness is not so gentle, and my kindness needs to be put in check. My fruit of the Spirit is now the fruit of my flesh.

Proverbs 4:23

Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.

I have moments when my emotions override my hearts guard. I allow my feelings in that instance take precedence of what I know to be true and sound............ God's word.

I am led to ask myself " Are my gifts showing more of my fruits, or the fruits of Christ? "

What is really flowing from my heart?  Pondering on those words, I dig deeper.

"I, the Lord, search the heart, ..."

God is profoundly acquainted with the heart. He knows every ounce of what is residing in it; it's thoughts and designs. Nothing can be hidden from Him.

"I test the mind, ...."

God does so to pass a true judgment on one's true character. My desire is for my character to reflect Christ and not the world; to extend grace, mercy and unfailing love without a judgmental heart.

"Even to give everyman according to his ways, ...." 

Life to those who walk in the way of life and death to those who do not. This is a spiritual life and death. How we chose to live on earth will determine how we spend eternity. I seek to speak life over those I encounter and share the living word of God's truth and love.

"According to the fruit of his doings"

And I am now back to the question I have asked myself. What effect and influence have my gifts had on those around me?  What have my gifts shown? Fruits of my flesh or fruits of the Spirit? In a world that has become filled with such diversity that goes against the very things of God, I pray the fruits of my doing will exemplify the life Christ has ordained for me. And when it does not, He will search my heart according to my fruits.

For me to be more of Christ and less of me, a daily heart check is required.


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