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When I Drift...

I can be notorious for allowing my daily life routine over take me at warp speed; days when all that I need to have done has me running in a million different directions with no time to stop and just breathe. ( Multi tasking at it's worst)

On days when I hit the floor running without first dropping my anchor, daddy God, into the emotional waters of life,  the world will pull me into it's current and have me drifting swiftly into unprotected waters; waters filled with confusion, fear, instability and uncertainty. ( Emotional turmoil of mass destruction)

I know it seems as though I may be the only person in the world to have days such as this and the reality is , I am not.  But what do I do when I am drifting into a current whose sole purpose it to consume and drown me?

I am to step out on the water; to the voice who beckons me to come.

Matthew 14:29
So He said, " Come." And when Peter had come out the boat, he walked on the water to Jesus.

What a wonderful feeling to hear the voice of my daddy God instruct me to come; to walk across the fast rippling current straight into his arms. My safe place from the under tows of the world.

But what happens when I take my eyes off of my daddy God and focus on the current?  Just as Peter did, my sight becomes blinded, my stability in the wind is no longer secure and I begin to sink in fear.

Matthew 14:30
But when he saw that the wind was boisterous he was afraid; and beginning to sink he cried out, saying" Lord, save me!"

How many times in my own life have I cried out Lord save me?  I can honestly say too many to count. ( I am so grateful He doesn't keep score either.)
" Save me from myself" , I have said.
" Save me from those who intend to harm me", I have pleaded.
"Save me from the currents and storms of this world", I have literally cried out on bending knees.

Matthew 14:31-32
And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him, and said to him, " O you of little faith, why did you doubt?" And when they got into the boat, the wind ceased.

I cry out and HE stretches out his arms!!!
Reality tells me I can not control what currents or storms present in my life. We are never promised to not  have trials in life, however we are promised He would never leave nor forsake us.
What I can control is my focus point; choosing to drop my anchor keeps me secure from drowning in the waters of emotional disaster.
I have the strength to push through....
I no longer sink in fear......
And I can walk directly into the arms of my daddy God.

I never saw my faith lacking. However my allowance of fear, the grasp of the current and my shift of sight, which pulls me under, is in fact when I have lacked in faith. Ouch! That came as a huge eye opener. But one that is much needed in my life.  Correction is protection yes?

We are instructed to keep our eyes on God ;To look neither left or right but to keep our eyes straight ahead.

Proverbs 4:25-27
Let your eyes look straight ahead, and your eyelids look right before you. 
Ponder the path of your feet, and let all your ways be established. 
Do not turn to the right or the left; Remove your foot from evil. 

Are you in a current right now? Drifting into much uncertainty?  I encourage you to drop your anchor, place your eyes straight ahead, and walk through that current into His out stretched  arms.

When I Drift~



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