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Transparent is scary........

Have you ever been around those who seemed to be able to look straight through you?
The ones who seem as though they can see every failure, mistake and down fall  you have experienced in life...........

What about those who you have shared some of life's trials and they just simply nod their head, put on a fake smile and simply say "Ohhhhhhh"....
Or my favorite...." Hummm bless your heart" ....
And the whole time you know they are making their own assumptions and judging every aspect of your life.

They automatically deem you unworthy of their time......
 And of their friendship......

I have had those moments in time when I wanted to just crawl in a hole and hid.
I was ashamed to bear my heart and soul.....
I was fearful of the sneers and judgmental conversations that proceed concerning my life....
I didn't want to be the example of who NOT to be in this life.....
I didn't want my children labeled as failures because "mom" had fallen so many times in life.

Transparent is scary............

It is a place in life when bearing your soul allows others to see you as you are at that moment......
You may be broken......

These are symptoms of life, not who we were created to be.
I have learned by allowing others to see me through God's eyes, whether I am broken, hurting, discouraged, shattered, angry etc..... it is then they can witness God's grace and mercy in my life.

It is then, they can see how much He loves His children and will bring them out of the fire of life, walk them through the valley and place them on the mountain top.
It is when we are truthful in life's symptoms, the glory of God can shine through us and in us.

1 Samuel 16:7

But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

God had David anointed at the age of 16, but he did not become king until much later.......
The Lord saw David's heart, not his size and stature.

I have made many bad choices in life.....
Some came from out of love, believing I was doing the right thing....
Some came from disappointments and hurt.....
Others came from unforgivness and rejection........
 I am not proud of my past decisions.....

I have learned to seek God before taking a step.....
To wait on Him to move me and give me my words......

He knows my heart, He does not look to my outward appearance ( my life's symptoms)
He moves on my behalf according to my faith in him, not my circumstances.
No I have not been anointed king, but I have been anointed as HIS child!!!

He has shown me by becoming transparent, so many others who feel they are all alone in this big world, are not alone.
That others have walked the path they are walking........
And the best part.......
God is there with us all!!!
His grace and mercy carries us through.....
His love and comfort heals our hearts......
His hedge of protection surrounds us and sustains us......
He in all His glory redeems us!!!!!!

The enemy of our souls will tell us we are not to confess our sins to one another, to hide in shame, to run as far as we can as God will smite us......
LIES....All LIES!!!

He knows that by bearing our sins (mistakes) in life, we find forgiveness.....
By making amends we learn to love as Christ does.....
He knows by allowing God to become our potter, we His clay and mold us into what and who He has created us to be we will shine the light of Christ into a dark world.

 Becoming Transparent.......We shine the light of CHRIST!!!!!

We become His testimony~

I no longer hid behind my story.......
I share as my daddy God leads me to....
To those who are receiving and ready to hear......
To those needing to hear, "I've been there".......
To those needing love no matter their life's symptoms.

I encourage you to become transparent  and allow God to fill those holes with His love and grace....
The feeling is amazing :)


James 5:16

16 Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective

* I take no credit for photos in this blog*


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