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Applying in 2013~

Another New Year is upon us.
 In just a few short days will ring in 2013 and say goodbye to 2012.
Time seems to fly by....
We blink and it's gone....

In 2011 I wrote a post about "Endure".
It was short,sweet and to the point.
You can read it here Here

That was my word for the year 2012....
To endure......
And endure I have~

I have endured many changes this past year...

Many lessons learned.....
Some hard, some easy.....

Several growth periods in my walk with the Lord....
To a higher level of faith.......
Humbling forgiveness.....
and patience in some areas.

A stronger understanding of His word......
His promises......
His instructions....
His teachings.

And many blessings as well.
My daughter home from Afghanistan unharmed....
My babygirl learning the true meaning of forgiveness and grace......
Seeing His provision in our lives when it looked as though there was none.....

I endured the tough times to be blessed with God's grace.....
And learned to be thankful through them all, even through gritted teeth :)

I endured the healing process and the pain that comes with it to be restored in God's time....
And in His way~
 As a mom, I have endured my daughter's pain and growth process.....
( A child's pain hurts more than our own)

I have endured the bumps in the road we all experience in life.....
Lack of finances....
Struggling to make ends meet.....
Unexpected expenses.....

I endured attacks from the enemy and learned I can take the high road and allow my daddy God to battle for me.
Bridling that tongue!!!
( Less of me and more of Him comes to mind)

I endured many many things in 2012, but in doing so I can now walk into 2013 with my head held  a little higher, my stature a little stronger in stance and APPLY all that my daddy God has taught me.
I have been transformed to a new level of faith, a stronger walk and closer relationship with God.

APPLY...that is my word for 2013~
 Many scales have been removed from my eyes this past year and in doing so, I am able to see   more clearly the path God has set for me.
My spirit is a little wiser and more alert...

Thank you sweet baby Jesus!!!

I choose to apply His love to all He puts in my path.....
I choose to apply His grace to those who may hurt my feelings or do wrong to me....
I choose to bridle and tame my tongue......
I choose to show mercy just as my daddy God shows His mercy to me......
I choose to forgive.....
I choose to forget......
I choose to encourage those who fall in life knowing I too have fallen many times....
I choose to judge not.....
I choose compassion.....
I choose to show God's works in my life and no longer hide behind my failures.
To be God's testimony!

Psalm 119:105

105 Your word is a lamp to my feet
And a light to my path.

Apply.....that is what I choose to do in 2013
Apply every word, every lesson, every victory and failure as so God will receive ALL the glory for His works in me!!!!

I realize I will have more trials, more growing, more learning, and more restoring this year but I now know I am stronger in Christ for everything I did go through in 2012......
As I endured, I grew....
As I endured, I learned.....
As I endured, I became less of me and more of Him.
Yes, I still have my down falls, but I recover a little quicker than before :)

Psalm 119:11

11 I have hidden your word in my heart
    that I might not sin against you.

So as I welcome in the New Year, I chose to continue to be more like Jesus and less of me and in doing so I will be "applying"!!

I am excited to see what God has planned!!!

What about you??

Wishing you all a very Happy and Blessed New Year !!!


James 1:22-23

22 But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. 23 For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror;


  1. Wow, seems 2012 was quite a year for you. I pray for your 2013 to be a wonderful year full of blessings, joy, and peace only our Lord and Savior can give.
    I would love to sit on the front porch with you some day. I think we could visit, visit, visit! ;)
    Happy New Year to you!

  2. I love reading this, dear friend, as you are in my thoughts and prayers. Much has happened as as painful as the hard times are, when we receive them to grow from them, God does great things! Well done good and faithful servant! Much love to you!

  3. Kristin, Thank you so much honey!!! I admire your ministry so much and I agree, front porch and visit, visit visit!!!! One day we will!!!!
    Hugs to you my friend!!

  4. Brenda, Your prayers for me are so much appreciated. You are a blessing to me and I can't thank you enough for your encouragment!!!
    Much love to you :))

  5. Hi Stacey, wow, such a powerful word. You are someone who shows us all about grace and mercy. I have learnt so much from you and am grateful to have "met" you
    God bless

  6. Awwwww thank you Tracy!!! I have to have learned many valuable lessons from you as well as mucho encouragement!! I am so blessed God crossed our paths, and now have you apart of my "family" of friends :))
    God bless you!!!


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