How much of our lives are spent waiting? We wait at red lights and stop signs, we wait in line at the grocery store, and if you work outside of your home, you know how much we wait for the weekend to get here!
All of the above things have a specific time we have to wait. Whether it be 3 seconds at a stop sign, 2 minutes at a red light, 5 minutes at the grocer or 5 days for the weekend. What else do we wait for? What about when we are waiting on God? The Word says "his thoughts are not out thoughts and his ways are higher than are ways". Where we say, "Lord, we need this now"....He says, "Not yet". So what do we do "in the waiting"?
Its easy to get discouraged "in the waiting". When we are waiting on God to show us the manifestation of a promise, when our bills are due, when our loved ones are running from God, the waiting seems endless.
But God is a good and merciful God and his timing is always perfect and ALWAYS on time! So again, what do we DO in the waiting? Do we fuss and gripe about and get angry and impatient? The Word says, "the trying or testing of our faith produces patience". Do we sulk and moan and cry? Do we DOUBT that our God will not come through for us, even though His record shows He always does? OR do we thank Him that he knows our every need, that he knows our heart's desires, he "knows our need BEFORE we have need of it"!
Do we really cast all of our care on Him and leave it there?
Here is where the blessing is in the waiting. During the difficult times is when we are more open to listening. During our trying times is when we know that God HAS to do something or we sink. So we listen closely and wait. It is during these times that I find I completely give it to Him.. Whatever it is. I can, in the natural do nothing about the situation, but I know HE can. Its "in the waiting" that I have found He has molded me and shaped me.
That my trust in Him has grown tremendously, and where I use to have distress, I now have peace. Peace that in the natural would make no sense, not with everything going on around me, but the "Peace that surpasses all understanding", the Peace that "guards my heart and mind through Him and in Him".. It is a time that I completely trust in Him. I could not have done that 2 years ago. Not completely. But now I can, and so can you.
Whatever you have need of, whatever you are "waiting" on God for, whether it be a job, financial resources, a spouse or family member......HE KNOWS. Trust Him with everything and in everything. Let his Word mold you, let the situations change you, that you trust him completely. Live in the Peace that He's already given you, and in HIS time you'll get what He has for you and it will be EXACTLY what He wanted for you. But don't miss what could have been the biggest blessing....the change, the renewed relationship with Him, the peace that passes all understanding, the "blessing" in the waiting.
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