The book of Esther is one of my favorites. A young, beautiful Jewish girl living in the Persian Empire who lost her parents at a tender age was in the care of her kinsman, Mordecai. I do not believe he ever once entertained the notion the child he took as his own would come to live in the palace of Shushan as queen. Nor save their people.
But. God.
Esther 4 verse 14
.......Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?
Esther's story is one of great faith and redemption. Her trust in God was greater than the circumstances that surrounded her.
There are seasons we find ourselves in not quite knowing how it is we came to such a place. Over the last several years I have questioned the station of my life. I had believed it to be one way and yet it's been something totally different. I often think how Esther was taken from all that she knew and placed in a life that was foreign to her. We all have seasons that are foreign to us. Seasons of growth in which we are moved from our comfort zone into a territory of the unknown.
Throughout Esther's story we see God's hidden design in the unfolding of her life's position. She had such a unmeasurable amount of trust in God during a very bleak moment when she learns the fate that had been laid out for her and her people. One cannot fathom such a heart-wrenching moment when she learns of the decree that all Jews, man, woman and child, are to be struck down.
Once again. But. God.
Throughout her story, we see the hand of God move in her favor and her people are saved. Esther was marked for greatness long before she ever knew the course her life would take; so are we. The Lord tells us in Jeremiah 1 verse 5 " Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born, I sanctified you............ "
You have been marked. I have been marked. We all have been marked! In other words, we all have been created for a time such as this. Though everyone has been created for different times, situations and circumstances, created we have been. Esther was not chosen when she first arrived at the palace, she had to go through a process before she was sent to the king. There is a process the Lord will take us through to get to the place we are called to.
Esther's heart was deeply troubled with her surroundings and circumstances; however, she trusted the process. Her faith remained strong; her focus on God was greater than what surrounded her. She was created for a time such as this. If you are finding yourself in a season that has become foreign, a place of uncertainty, trust the process. You have been marked for greatness. The Lord has created you for a time such as this.
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