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Love Covers a Multitude

 "Lord, I want to love as you do."    

Just shy of thirty years ago, I recall a time when I was sitting on the back pew alone in church, I whispered those words to the Lord. I had been watching the doors open as others came in for Sunday night service and through my people watching silence, I began to notice the slumped shoulders of many as though the world was sitting on top of them. The slow-moving steps, unsure were to sit or the facial expressions asking if they should even stay. The plastic smiles hiding the hurt buried deep within, and the lonely eyes that scanned the sanctuary in hopes someone would welcome them in.  With every deep breath I took I could feel a sledgehammer of affliction hitting its mark. 

I looked down, in the hopes no one noticed my eyes gazing throughout the church, at my shaking clasped hands and realized I am no different.  I too had felt the world was sitting on my shoulders that night. 

My feet were uncertain where to go thus I made the choice to sit on the very last pew. My plastic smile was hiding much brokenness, and my eyes painted a deep pool of loneliness.

I can, to this day, remember closing my eyes and feeling all the brokenness that had walked through the doors as well as my own. And still hear the words I softly whispered to my daddy God.

" Lord, I want to love as you do."

My heart felt desire has not changed over the course of thirty years. If anything, it has increased, and my heart has become more sensitive for the broken and the weary; the ones the world has cast aside as useless and unlovable. I find myself looking at others in the streets, coffee shops, shopping malls or even in rush hour traffic wondering if they are loved. Sometimes on a rare moment when I am able to make eye contact, I can see past the one looking back at me and I can hear their broken pieces echoing into a world that has shown no compassion. It is then my hands once again clasp together, and my heart gently asks the Lord to shower them with more love than they can contain. One would be amazed at the effect a simple hello, or even a smile that lets them know they are worthy to be noticed.  

A person's brokenness does not define their worth. The unmerited love of God has already declared we are loved.  It is the guilt and condemnation of the world's voice that bellows we are unworthy. Not Jesus. We must know who we are in Jesus to really begin to understand His love for us. Once we are able to love ourselves, then are we able to love others. 

There are more reasons than I can name why a person would be living in a broken and weary state. The reasons could be described as symptoms of living a life without knowing the true love of Jesus. Some can be considered side effects that have lingered from a lack of healing a hurt and sick heart. Maybe it is the fear of rejection or a booming voice of judgment.   Regardless of the reasons, we all at one time or another in life have had a reason surface causing us to walk in a broken state. 

My prayer was answered the night I sat alone on that back pew. He changed my heart and gave me eyes to see. And if I am totally honest, many times when I can feel the pain of others so deeply the uncomfortableness of it all can and is breath taking.  I am not agreeing with the sin in the midst of the broken parts, however, I do pray for the root cause to be shown, removed and healed. And that includes my own as well.  I do not always get it right. But I am learning, no matter the reason, I am to love the broken. Just as Jesus does. 

1 Peter Chapter 4 verse 8.

Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.

 There are times when it is not an easy task. But I hope we all are able to see pass the brokenness, the bad choices, and the pain caused by the sin of the broken and extend the much-needed compassion. It is within our own compassion the love of Jesus is poured.  He is faithful in our own covering. 

After all love covers a multitude.


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