The bible defines darkness as ignorance and light as knowledge. To live in the darkness of the world causes one to live in ignorance, but to live in the light of Christ allows one to live in knowledge. Whatever we give ourselves to, it will give back in the same measure we use. Are you giving in to darkness or surrendering to light? - Pastor Ron Carpenter.
I go back to those words again and again. Their resonating sound in my heart causes me to pause as I take in a deep breath and exhale. I can hear the tapping of these words running through my mind. It can be so easy to slip into the world of ignorance, to trust what we choose to believe rather than what we know to be truth. Darkness or ignorance does not always appear to be what one would call red flags shouting for us to stop. Many times, it appears wrapped in a pretty package, clothed in what we believe to be real, and yet the true agenda is hidden behind the false picture painted to lure us in.
"Hidden agenda" is defined as a secret or ulterior motive for something.
The enemy of our souls has one ultimate motive. His goal is to remove us from God's truth and have us live in a state of ignorance, keeping us isolated from the knowledge of Jesus.
How many times have we all been faced with the reality of a hidden agenda? Relationships we have given ourselves to, whether it be personal, job related, or community related. A place where we cannot see any light; only a pitch-black hole we have succumb in the hopes that a shred of light is up ahead. Truth be told, no matter the darkness there is always the light within. The light of Christ. And we must choose what we give ourselves to.
My holes came in waves. I would see them through blinders with the belief I knew better than the one who created me. Without fail as soon as my Jesus pulled me out of one hole, I was running towards another one. And jumping in with both feet.
But here's the good news.
He never left me. He continued, and still does today, to reach in and pull me from what is not of him in my life. His light continues to break through every barrier, every wall I built and hole I have ever put myself in through the world's lies of ignorance. His voice is the voice my soul hears continuously when darkness tries to pull me under. I still make mistakes, fall short and will forever be on the potter's wheel, however, I chose him.
I chose light.
Jesus is the light.
Mine and yours.
He called me out of darkness.
And he is calling you too!
In him was life and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. -John 1:4-5
I urge you to look for the light in your situations and circumstances. Look for the hand of Jesus. The hand that is always willing to lift you up.
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