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Enduring The Process

I love this picture of McKenna. I have been blessed to know this precious young lady since she was in junior high school. She is now a wife and mommy of two beautiful babies. McKenna started doing cross fit when she was pregnant with her first child( maybe before? ) and has continued her fitness goals to this day. This picture is the first time she ever made it to the top of the rope. What an accomplishment!! It did not happen over night. It was not accomplished the first or even her second try. McKenna had to "endure" the process . She had to fight through the sweat and pain, the burning muscles and the constant desire to meet her goal. And met it she has!!

 I then ask myself.......
How do I press through a growth process?  When the pain is too much to bear and my muscles burn with the intensity of a boiling furnace , how do I endure?

My endurance comes from my daddy God;  a process of growth and strength training in the spirit.  It comes when I turn to the pages of my bible and encourage myself through His words......
His promises.

Colossians 1:11 
 being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience,

Times when I need to climb a "rope" in my own life, regardless of it's height , every word of the Father is there to push me higher.  Should I be on my knees weary, my face buried in my pillow of tears or simply sitting in the quietness of my own, it is His words that enable me to endure the process.

Make no mistake there are times when I just want to let go, when the task seems too great and my strength has been depleted, I long for rest and completion. I have no desire to continue climbing.
I just want to quit. I look for a easy way out only to find myself circle back again to the "rope" dangling in front me telling me to latch on and climb. I am learning by ignoring the obvious and attempting to skirt around the rope  makes the journey of achievement much longer.  It is when I endure the process and remain steadfast it is then will I make it to the top. 

Our ropes in life can come in many different fashions. Maybe your rope is in the form of caring for a loved one who is ill; could be you are the one who is ill.  Or it may be a financial rope you are having to climb.. Possibly you are in a place of brokenness and in need of healing emotionally. It may be you are having to rebuild a business or home. And maybe you are dealing with a child who has lost their way in life through an addiction of sorts. Whatever the task at hand is that you are facing, I encourage you to keep climbing and don't let go.

Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

 Not by my strength nor by my might but His.

I am enduring the process.

His Daughter,


Philippians 3:14
I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of  God in Christ Jesus.

* Photo Credit :  McKenna Campbell Miller*


  1. Hi Stacey, I think I have a whole bunch of ropes in my life, some I keep sliding down, some I never get very far up, and some I get better at. Great post my friend, very timeous for me. Kinda wanted to give a rope or two up.
    God bless


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