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Seeds Of The Heart

As a child I can remember planting tiny seeds in a cup of soil and waiting anxiously for the first sigh of life to sprout forth. I would water and nurture my tiny seed holding on to the belief of something magical appearing at any moment.
After a week or so a very tiny growth of green would emerge from the dark spoil adding to my excitement that my seed would be a thriving bloom of beauty.
The hope of a child is a pure act of love;  a love that holds on to the beauty of life rather than sees the impossibility of the world. A humbling heart that anchors to the promise instead of disbelief.

As I grew older I no longer planted seeds in a cup but I did and still do try my best to plant seeds of love and hope in the cracks of  hearts that are broken, abandoned or bruised. It can be hard to wait for the seeds which are planted to grow. It can become a painful process when watching someone I love struggle to break through the dark soil of the world. If I over water my seed, it will drown. If I over nurture it, it will smoother beneath the soil unable to hear the voice of our daddy God.

 However, what I have discovered, as long as I water and nurture the seeds of love I plant by speaking God's promises over them, true to His word, these precious seeds of love bloom.

What we do from love is never lost; love itself is never absent. We can always find it again through God because He loved us first. His truth and love is the nutrition the seeds planted need for growth and healing.

1 John 4:19
We love because he first loved us. 

Seeds of the heart will produce many blooms if planted within the promises of God's words. They will grow with blooms of grace, mercy, forgiveness, peace, and joy. They will exemplify who our daddy God is; a love whose light can burst forth  through the darkest of soil with the sweetest fragrance of unconditional love and heal the largest of cracks the world has carved into the hearts of many. Allowing Gods seeds to grow within the cracks of our hearts, we allow our daddy God to put back together which seems impossibly broken.
I am learning it's not how many seeds I plant in this life but what the meaning of the seed becomes.
When I plant a seed of love.....
Love is returned to me.
When I plant a seed of hope.....
My hope is renewed.
When I plant a seed of mercy.....
Mercy is given to me in my darkest moments.
 When I plant a seed of grace....
Grace is given to me in abundance.
And when I plant a seed of forgiveness...
I am forgiven.

If your days of planting seeds in a cup have become a childhood memory just as mine has, I encourage you to plant those seeds in the hearts of those you love; the ones who come before you broken. And let others plant seeds in yours........
Our daddy God's blooms are amazing!!

Seeds of the heart~



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