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A Beautiful Reminder

Psalm 85:8

I will hear what God the Lord will speak,For He will speak peace
To His people and to His saints;
But let them not turn back to folly.

I had not been able to understand why I had  been feeling like something was wrong......
The feeling that something was about to happen......
Not knowing what that something could be.
I questioned where did I belong......
What was the whole picture as to why I was moved in the first place? 
I understand it was partly a time of healing.....
Part of it was a spiritual protection ....( a daddy protecting his daughter from herself)
 And then partly to slowly have me deal with the root of my inter pain that had swallowed me up for most of my life..... Rejection.
One would think with all these "parts" I'd have the whole picture right? 
Ehhh not so much.
 There is more to it......
Much more. 

I had not been able to find the right words for the feelings  I had bouncing around. 
I couldn't articulate how I felt without sounding all gibberish .
I could not connect my feelings with words...........
Frustrated does not cover how I felt some days. 

I began to question just how in tuned I really am with my daddy God. 
If I was feeling all out of sorts , as a child of God I should know why I feel the way I do......
I never doubted His word..........
Nor have I doubted  His promises He has made to me......
I believe with all my heart what He says will come to pass.....
So why the uneasiness for lack of a better word?
Was it the timing of it all I was doubting?
Why do I feel so restless?

I was able to go  visit my Texas family and friends. 
My " Framily" :)
I love going back to my home church, it is amazing!!
 Not only was I blessed with a great service from my home pastor, I was blessed by  friends who had purchased a sermon series from a visiting pastor the week before, and could not wait to listen on the 4 hour drive back home. I was ready soak in every word!!

As soon as I heard him say," I don't know about you, but I have an unsettling feeling in my spirit". I felt like I was hit by a thunder bolt!!!
 Ooooooo......That's it, that's the feeling I have, that's the words I could not put my finger on.
He then goes on to say " Those who have been feeling displaced will be placed" 
 Instant light bulb!!!

"Positioning" my daddy God says to me. 

To hear I am being positioned to full fill the plan he has for me touches my very soul......
To know my feelings are not in vain......
For there is a purpose in it all......
This has been such a strange, hard, yet blessed season I have been it. 

I now see the unsettling as a positive emotion, because through it, my daddy God has taken away my natural compass of direction......
  I am now left for him to lead me.....
To rely on him and him alone.
To full fill my purpose as He sees fit.
When we really listen, we can hear him speak in the midst of the unsettling.....
We can feel his presence on the uncharted road we walk..... 
He will continue to nudge us with his whispers of love and encouragement. 

With the sunset to my back and traveling east to my home,  I am blessed........
He has me in the palm of his hand. 
A beautiful reminder~




  1. I too have felt an "unsettling". I couldn't figure some things out, until one day out of the blue, a couple of things just "settled" in my mind. I still wonder what He has in store for me, because quite frankly, I feel unsettled and anxious about some things. But I know He will reveal it in His time.. Hugsssss and love to ya sister

    1. Hugggssss and lovess to you!!! In his time we will all see his glory of what he has for us all!!!


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