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I Got The Window Seat

This past week I flew to Colorado to be with my daughter when they finalized the adoption for my grandson. It was an amazing week spent with my family there; a moment in time I will forever cherish. When I booked my flight I forgot to pick my seat on my flight. Once I hit the button to purchase my ticket I remembered the window seat, I love the window seat. Sitting in front of my computer a bit of disappointment I felt knowing I would be seating in the aisle or the middle. " oh well" I told myself.  My disappointment left quickly as my excitement to see my family grew.

The day came for me to leave, arriving at the airport I whispered a prayer to the Lord for a safe trip and as an after thought, I told Him I'd love to have a window seat. After I receive my boarding pass, to my surprise I saw I indeed had the window seat and then to my delight realized I again had the window seat on my connecting flight in Houston as well.  My excitement  doubled, kinda like the getting a sundae with two cherries on top. Many will probably laugh at my child like excitement over a simple window seat, but there is more to it than just getting those seats. I saw past my request and saw the love of my daddy God giving His daughter the desire of her heart. 

Psalm 37:4
Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.

 Sitting in my seat high above the clouds, I snapped that picture. What a grandiose picture He painted for me and all who were on the plane, one which left me speechless. If He will  grant the simplest of desires, such as a window seat, how much more is He willing to give to His children?  His word tells us Jesus came to give us a life of abundance. ( John 10:10)
And that means even the smallest of request.

Window seats........

But here is the best part of His promise. Although He will give the desire of our hearts, that desire must be according to His will.  He has a plan and a purpose for each of us. Each is designed  with His special care. Maybe you have been wanting a new job and yet seem to be stuck in your current one with nothing new on the horizon?  Maybe it's a relationship your heart so desires? Or maybe you are longing for a change of scenery, wanting to move but yet can not for the life of you find a home in your budget. Do not be discouraged. The job you are wanting may not be the best financial move. The relationship you want, he or she may not be the one God has chosen for you. And the geographical location you are searching may not be the place He will have you put your roots down. He will give you the right job, right relationship, and right home.  Our desires come in His time, after all His will for our lives is the cherry on top, yes?

Oh and both flights home.......
You guessed it, I got the window seats!

Forever His Daughter,







  1. Hi Stacey, don't you love when God shows His favour in a way only you know its JUST FOR YOU?! I also love that view out of a plane window, purely because to me it is just a snapshot of how vast and amazing is our Creator's abilities and creativity,!
    God bless my friend


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