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Forget Me Not......

Photo Credit: Caleb George 
Hannah was one of two wives to Elkanah. Though her husband loved her greatly, scripture tells us her womb was closed. She watched year after year her rival , Peninnah give birth to many sons and daughters. Every year when time came to go up and make an offering to the Lord, her husband gave her a double portion. Peninnah provoked her for her barren womb and she, Hannah, wept.
1Samuel 1:8
Then Elkanah her husband  said to her; " Hannah , why do you weep? Why do you not eat? And why is your heart grieved? Am I not better to you than ten sons?"
I can only imagine how Hannah must have felt. Her emotions misunderstood by her husband, taunted by another and forgotten by God. Or so she thought.
God's timing is never our own. I have my seasons it seems the womb of life is closed to me.  The desires I want, needs I believe should be handled instantly, cries I long to be answered and my silent prayers of  "forget me not."
It's easy to presume I am forgotten when the winds of life blow by and I feel as though I am left holding nothing. Hannah's story teaches me to cling to the promises of God rather than the emptiness of the world. Scripture goes on to tell us how she poured her hearts cries out to the Lord, and her tears did not do unnoticed.
God had a perfect time to bring forth the son she so desired; a plan and a purpose for his life.  It was during the time of her barren womb He was working behind the scenes for the birth of Samuel to take place. Hannah was not forgotten.

And neither are we.

The weeping of our soul is a direct cry to the Father. He hears each one and holds them tenderly. Hannah's time of a barren womb is not given to us in a specific time frame, however scripture does tell us after ten years of marriage, her husband took another wife to bear children. Neither are we told the exact time period it was until Samuel was conceived, we are simply told he is. This child Hannah waited a life time for is now a reality and his purpose revealed..... a prophet of the Lord.

So here I was at the end of 2016 with my life not quite as I had pictured it, I began to wonder if my "forget me nots" would ever be answered.  Would my barren areas birth new life?  Going into a new year I ask my daddy God to give me a verse for that particular year and to be honest I had not even asked yet. I was too consumed with the tears of my heart. Though I had forgotten to seek my verse, He did not forget to send it.

Luke 1:45
"Blessed is she who believed for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord"

Once again the Lord blessed a barren womb. Elizabeth, the cousin of Mary, conceived in her old age and was with child. Her son had a greater purpose. John the Baptist is born to make way for the King him self, Jesus.  

Luke 1:36-37
Now indeed, Elizabeth your relative has also conceived a son in her old age; and this is now the sixth month for her who was called barren. For with God nothing will be impossible.

Barren seasons are not to be despised . There is a specific timing for birthing new things. It is during the these times we are to hold tighter to the promises of our daddy God; to remain firm in His word and believe in His timing.

For some a barren womb may be in the form of a job. Others in the loss of a loved one. Maybe it's a broken relationship or the absence of one. It could be the longing for a child, or perhaps a child who is living the life of a prodigal. Forget me not emotions are real, however they do not go unnoticed.

Hannah's petition was granted. And when it was, her cries became prayers of praise.

1Samuel 2:2-3
My heart rejoices in the Lord; My horn is exalted in the Lord. I smile at my enemies, because I rejoice in Your salvation. No one is holy like the Lord, for there is none besides You, nor is there any rock like our God.

Prayers do get answered. Hannah was not forgotten, and neither are we.

Forget me not.

Forever His Daughter,



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