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My Walk....His Calling

Photo Credit: Paul Dufour

I am a firm believer we are all called to walk according to His plan. I know within the depth of my soul I am created with a purpose, all to glorify His Kingdom. I came to know I had a calling when I was only 7 years old. As a young child it was liberating to hear Him speak to me the many wonderful things in store. The path, my young mind painted,was a beautiful road. One filled with great opportunities and victories along the way. I never dreamed of the trials I would face as I grew. And neither had I fathomed the hardships of my journey. Yet they came and some knocked me flat off my feet. As a pre-teen I did not comprehend  to walk with Jesus I would have trials as He did. It never occurred to me the world would turn against me due to my new found love of God. Looking back I see where I deviated off the road He had carved out for me; a path He fashioned just for me and when things became bumpy.... I bailed. It was never my intent to fall by the wayside. But fall I did, and each time I got back up, the greater I saw Him in my life.

Deuteronomy 31:6
Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will never leave you nor forsake you.

He did not leave me as a child, a wandering teenager or a confused young adult. Nor has He left me now, this grown woman, who is at the beginning of the second chapter of my life. I define my "second chapter" as a life with children grown and gone; each are building families of their own and are blessing me with grandchildren. My love for them all is unexplainable.

One would think this would be a breezy season. My time has become my own once again and yet I struggle to decipher which direction to take. It all boils down to the wrestling of my hearts emotions. I want to do His biding, to go where He says go, to do as He says do. I also want to be as close as I can be to my grandchildren. I want to be at every sporting event, Friday night sleep overs, and impromptu dinners. I want to be that grandmother.  And though my words are contradicting , I want to be all my daddy God created me to be. My struggle is real.
My thoughts take me back to scripture.

Luke 9:61
And another also said, "Lord, I will follow You, but let me first go and bid them farewell who are at my house."

I feel like this man. "Lord let me first witness all in the lives of my grandchildren before you send me." The truth of it all, I want to do both. And so here I am asking my daddy God to send me and yet I am holding on to the strings of my hearts emotions. And it's not only my grandchildren.  I want to be close to my all my family.Time with those you love is something that can never be replaced. This tug-a-war is a battle I never saw coming.

Yesterday morning as my alarm began to blare in the early shadows of light, I asked my daddy God for my daily bread; a word to feed my spirit as I start my day. Before my eyes were even open I heard two words ..... "Fall fresh"   A fresh anointing, a fresh vision, a fresh heart; these are the things I pray for. And then as I unfold the pages of my bible, my eyes are drawn to these words.....

Psalm 51: 10
Create in me a clean heart O God, And a renew a steadfast spirit within me.

Psalm 51:12
Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, And uphold me by Your generous spirit.

I  am forever a work in progress and more than grateful He continues to do a work in me. Today I purpose to see the greatness of Him in my life and trust the path He has for me.

My Walk....His Calling.

Forever His Daughter,




  1. "Forever His daughter" I love this ending. It's​ summary of all we are, even through our growing pains.

  2. God is so good he has a purpose and calling for all of us. So wonderful that you've found yours


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