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Digging Up A Bitter Root

Ephesians 4:26
"In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry."  (NIV)

" Many times bitterness is the result of unresolved anger; anger with ourselves or with others. . Anger that is not dealt with can easily become a dangerous bitter root in our hearts......"

My mom has told me time and time again, " Stacey you forgive so easily, that's just who you are."
Truth be told, I do forgive fairly easy; I have my moment , express my emotions, shed any needed tears, and move on. Am I perfect? Not hardly. Some situations and circumstances in my life have had me not wanting to forgive, and secretly hoping for God to smite them. Harsh? Yes I know." Lord forgive me."  However over the years I have purposed to do my best to see others with the eyes of my daddy God in spite of my hurting heart. And  there are times, regardless of my hearts desire to forgive, my best will have me fall flat.
It seems I have fallen flat.............
Proverbs 28:13
" Whoever conceals their sin does not prosper but the one confesses and renounces them finds mercy."
My sin in question comes from a former seed of anger I allowed to bury its scraps deep within my heart and sprout a root of bitterness.  I believed I had forgiven. I know I had confessed  as me and my daddy God have had many talks. And for the love of all creation I truly thought in the midst of my past anger I had uprooted all remnants of that one seed.......but I had not.
" How can I no longer harbour anger but yet have a bitter root?" I ask myself.  Anger is a feeling of displeasure and is healed through forgiveness. Bitterness is to be full of resentment.  When a person is bitter they have not found a resolution of peace within his or her self. Two different emotions but yet both are destructive forces if not dealt with. I do not believe I am "full" of bitterness, however it seems I was well on my way until my daddy God sent one of His own to speak truth into my soul. Her words of raw honesty and unconditional love snapped me back to the reality of my own doing.
And there I found mercy.
Let my digging process commence.....
This is not the first root I have had to dig up in my life, however to my knowledge it is the first one of bitterness. Maybe I have had other roots of bitterness through out the years and never really saw the reality of it all. The saying " Trials in life will either make one bitter or better" has presented itself in a thundering profound tone with a choice I have had to make.
Bitter or Better??
Proverbs 14:10
" Each heart knows its own bitterness and no one can share its joy."
" Each of us has a chice to become better or bitter in our lifetime. The better is that God loves, forgives, and makes a way His people to esacpe bitterness. The bitter is a lifetime wasted in regret and anger- burdened and burdening others. We were created for more......"
I choose better!!
Digging up a bitter root~


  1. Hi Stacey, I knew when I saw the title of this blog post you would be speaking right into my heart. I love that you define the difference between anger and bitterness although I do find that harbouring a root of bitterness does kind of bring unresolved anger to the fore as well! Sigh.... Now to start that digging...
    Great post my friend
    God bless

    1. Thank you!! It seems you and I both are always on the same page in this wonderful, yet sometimes crazy, thing we call life. I am so glad I have you for a sound prayer partner!! Digging together will make for a better outcome!! God bless you!! xoxo


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