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Provision In The Unknown

In reading the book of Isaiah I have been fixated on  Isaiah 60:1-22. Here it speaks of the prophetic promises of restoration and the hope for Israel while in captivity.  I began to think about the promised restorations for my life and what has held me captive.

 One in particular has been my financial struggles over the years, robbing Peter to pay Paul maneuvers , but then again who hasn't had a struggle such as that from time to time? As a single parent I became good  surviving from pay check to pay check  and accepted my captivity of  financial stress as a never ending norm of life.  It was not the lack that held me captive, I knew my daddy God would provide,  it was the stress of the unknown as to how and where all would work together in my favor.

Stress has its own special way of showing up out of no where.  It is famous for sneaking in on me during the midnight hour. I wake up to find sub consciously I have been grinding my teeth while sleeping. Captivity while sleeping? Apparently so.

I began to search for freedom from this particular hold on me and came upon this verse.

2 Corinthians 9:8
And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.

The footnotes read......

* All, always, and every are the emphases in this verse. God can meet  their own needs ( financial, spiritual etc.. and increase their resources to meet the various needs of others. * (NKJV)

I took a look back to those times in my life when I have fallen short. I saw where juggling  had become a mastered skill for me, however  I was not the one doing the catching. My daddy God in all his abundance had been the one providing for me each time I tossed a lack into the air. And in return there have been times, by His grace,  I have been able to meet the needs of others.

He never provides in the way I think He should ( what a relief)  but provides in the way He knows is best. He promises to provide for me. I am to trust in His provision and how He will have it manifest.
Never once does my daddy God's words tell me to panic, stress, doubt or fear until I see the provision. His words (promises) tell me to trust, believe, hope and stand in the knowledge that He is meeting every area of lack in my life.

 So why do I have moments of shear panic?  I am human, a woman of flesh who falls short daily.
I get caught up in the moment of chaos, the noise of the world and the emotions of my natural making. However I never remain in that position. Because of  His love, His grace and mercy, I am drawn out and into His dwelling place.  A position of peace and serenity, a place where love knows no bounds.

The world will look to  my lack and deem me unsuccessful, however my daddy God looks to my heart and calls me blessed.
And so are you...........

Deuteronomy 31:8
And the Lord, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed.

Provision In The UnKnown~

Linking With: My Daily Walk In His Grace





  1. Hi Stacey, I can so relate to the "stressing" and flat panic in the "moment" and I think that because we are fallible humans, God knows this, and His mercies are new every morning. I often wonder, when am I going to react right? in Faith instead of in fear? But as the years go by, my reactions are, shall we say, improving?! I still (over)react but not as much as before. We are all growing glory to glory, so long as we stick with Christ, He undertakes, understands, and thankfully offers us mercy DAILY!
    God bless my friend

    1. I too am still a work in progress my friend. You and I have had many a chats and prayer time together over our " stressful" moments. So grateful His mercies are new every day!! Bless you my precious friend!!


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