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Control...Such An Illusion

Trying to control someone else choice of words, actions or even thought process,for me, can be compared to a game of tug-a-war. You can dig your feet in, grab hold tight, pull with all your strength and still end up on the ground.

For me, my "ground" time is .........

~SIGH~.   Well , more times than I want to admit......But is a defined reality in my life.

*Control is just an illusion when it comes to other peoples actions and words*

The Lord spoke these to me several days ago and then had me sit on them.

Waiting has never really been one of my best assets in life.

But waited I did, until now.....

Jesus knows oh so well how my little "control" issues can and have gotten me into a pinch.

Of course I didn't see them as "control" issues. However they were and are. And by His grace I am still a work in process.

My illusions have come in many forms.

If I loved a person enough I could "change" them. ( that can make for bad relationship choices)

If I just do it myself because my way is right, their world will be a better place. ( Out of my love I have now enabled them for failure)

If I get angry at their choices I can force them into submission. ( WOW, can you say HUGE illusion??)

Now I am not talking about lending a helping hand, loving a person through a bad time, or expressing my feelings of anger, nor placing boundaries and accountability for your loved ones.

I'm talking about trying to control any and every situation the way I saw fit and deemed correct.

Our daddy God gives us all free will and He doesn't inter fer with that, so why would I think I could do such a thing?

Maybe it comes from being a single parent for most of my life, or maybe because I am a independent person, or maybe because I have such a huge heart for those in need I have taken on the burden of becoming their "Ms. Fix It".

( God didn't give me the title of "Ms Fix it", so why should I give it to myself? )
What ever the reasons, the reality is I can not control how another may walk, talk, act or live.

I have had to put my tug-a-war ropes down. ( more like box them up and store them away)

I have had to learn to love others through grace, mercy,forgiveness and with the eyes of Christ.

Regardless of my good intentions, playing tug-a-war isn't how we as the body of Christ can guide others to the fullness of the love of God.

He doesn't have a rope ready to pull us into submission. It's through his grace and his unfailing love that He shows himself.

The only "control" I have is the words I choose to speak,the actions I choose to take and the person I choose to be.

I choose to be more like Jesus.

So as my pruning and shaping continue, I encourage you all, take a look around you, do you see areas in your life were you have the tug-a-war ropes out or are you allowing Christ to lead you by His love, mercy and grace??

It is through prayer and exhibiting Christ love that our tug-a-wars and control issues in life change.

After all, it is love, not control that conquers all~



1 Corinthians 13:44 Love is patient, love is kind........

**** Repost From Shakin' The Foundation 2012****


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