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Showing posts from December, 2015

Shhhhhhh....It's Quiet Time

I was blessed with the "gift of gab". My mom says I started speaking at a very early age and have never stopped. I could talk to a brick wall regardless if it answers me back or not....literally, I kid you not. The times I do get quiet I find it amusing when others question me as to what is wrong. Silence is not one of my better qualities.  But I am finding  the older I get the more I enjoy my quiet time.( For those who know me, you may continue with your laughter.) Several years ago when my daddy God led me to start blogging, He told me there will be those He wanted to reach through my life stories.  My gift of gab became a gift  of written words for many all over the world to read and realize they are not alone in the struggles of life. Blogging became a ministry of my heart; a platform of God for all to see  His victories in  my downfalls.  A place of transparency, honesty and a unconditional love filled with encouragement, grace and mercy. ...

Emotions and Wisdom

A few days ago I was chatting with a precious friend , sister in Christ and one of my amazing pray partners. I love our talks, our time to come together as women and share our secret places.  We seem to continuously be on the same page in our lives, but sometimes one of us is  a half a step ahead of the other and that's a good thing; good that one of us has already made it through a portion of the season we currently walk and are able to give a testimony of hope and grace. We discussed our emotions and how  easily it is to fall within them and not hear the voice of our daddy God.   There are times I make the dreadful mistake of speaking before seeking or acting on my own emotions before heeding His voice and direction.  I justify my choices by the love I hold in my heart. Sadly there are times my hearts emotions will cause more harm than good. I am re-learning and more in depth  the enemy knows the sensitivity of my heart and will use it to trip ...

Seeds Of The Heart

As a child I can remember planting tiny seeds in a cup of soil and waiting anxiously for the first sigh of life to sprout forth. I would water and nurture my tiny seed holding on to the belief of something magical appearing at any moment. After a week or so a very tiny growth of green would emerge from the dark spoil adding to my excitement that my seed would be a thriving bloom of beauty. The hope of a child is a pure act of love;  a love that holds on to the beauty of life rather than sees the impossibility of the world. A humbling heart that anchors to the promise instead of disbelief. As I grew older I no longer planted seeds in a cup but I did and still do try my best to plant seeds of love and hope in the cracks of  hearts that are broken, abandoned or bruised. It can be hard to wait for the seeds which are planted to grow. It can become a painful process when watching someone I love struggle to break through the dark soil of the world. If I over water my seed, ...

Knowing God Is......

 Faithful, Merciful, Powerful, Gracious, Love, Aware Of My Struggles, , Ready to Forgive, Willing to Help, and The One Who Loves Me.  I am so glad God is God and I am not. I have a hard enough time managing my own little world sometimes much less the world of others. I am an imperfect woman, who falls in this life regardless how many times I try my best to be perfect. Perfect in my choices? No as I've made my fair share of wrong ones. Perfect in showing grace to all ?  Honestly here recently that has been a struggle in my life but I am walking through it with in baby steps.  Perfect in my actions towards others who hurt me? Not really sure how that one is going, but I am striving to do better and show the unconditional love of Christ, as He always shows me.  The older I get the more I see myself trying to NOT make mistakes. I am determined with everything inside of me to be all I have been created to be, and what I am learning time and...

My One Word For 2016

It's that time again. Another year coming to a close and with that my new word for the new year has been whispered to my heart. I began asking and praying what my word would be several weeks ago. I had a few tumbling through my mind but they just did not seem to take root in my heart.  As I prayed I promised God I would wait for his voice to give me the one He wanted, not one I thought was fitting. There are times in my anticipation and excitement  I tend to walk ahead and not wait on His instruction or timing. But  wait I did  and in doing so, I hear Him speak...... " Declare"   " Declare my words over your life and those you love."Declare my promises I have made to you and watch them unfold."  "Declare life where darkness resides and see my light break forth. " "Declare who you are in me and feel my love raise you up above all that has tried to keep you down." God's word teaches us there is life and death in our...