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My Hearts Desires

I traveled to my home church in Texas over the weekend. It was our yearly ladies retreat. 
A time to come together and share as only we ladies know how when we are together. 
Our gathering to let our hair down, be silly, share our hearts, our struggles, our victories and our love. A time of refreshing, renewal and restoring. 
I love my highway driving time, when it's just me, my music and my sweet Jesus headed to my destination. 
It is my special place when I can talk to him, share my whole heart above the noise of the world and hear his loving voice deep inside my soul. 
Heading west, I pour my heart out to my daddy God. I tell him of the changes and struggles I have faced the last two months. ( like he didn't already know)  I thanked him for the love of so many he has placed in my life. I praised him for the trials I have walked through and the strength he has given me to continue.

Making my way down the highway I saw the sun setting in the distance. For just a few brief seconds a cloud had covered it's brilliant colors of yellow and orange slipping beyond the horizon. 
I stared at that sunset in the hope those vibrant colors would break through one more time before darkness set in. And with in seconds the last of the days rays broke through in all its splendor. 

My desire at that moment was to see the sun break through the clouds and I did. 
For my daddy God to give me something so simple as the sun breaking through the clouds, how much more will he give me? 

His word tells us.......
 Psalm 37:4
Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. 

DELIGHT  myself in the Lord and he will give me my hearts desires. 

How awesome is that? 
Regardless what was weighing on my mind, the thoughts that continued to bounce around in my head, I choose to delight myself in him. I choose to speak to him, love on him, praise him and listen for his voice. 
The retreat was amazing. Every sermon that was spoken I heard the words my daddy God wanted my heart to receive. . Every prayer I have laid at his feet has been heard and every break through I have asked for has been already established for his glory!!
The favor of God is flowing abundantly; a never ending stream of love. 

Psalm 30:5
For his anger lasts only a moment, 
but his favor lasts a lifetime;

Read that again......
His FAVOR lasts a lifetime!!!

Going over my notes from Saturday nights service, the one sentence that continues to stand out.....
" This is your personal year for your harvest to come."

I began to list the prayers of harvest I have asked and wholeheartedly believing for.

* Complete healing for several loved ones
* Restoration in finances for all who are struggling to make ends meet.
*Salvation for those who have never allowed the love of our daddy God to cover them in life.
* Restoring for those who are running from  perfect love.....the love of God.
*For eyes to see, ears to hear and hearts to receive the grace and truth of God's love.
*For unconditional love to have its place in every life.

What a beautiful harvest!!!
I want to encourage you, whatever your hearts desires may be, believe for your harvest , delight yourself in the Lord and embrace the favor of our daddy God.

My Hearts Desires~



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