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Roadblocks And Obedience

I would love to be able to say I have been obedient my entire adult life....
I wish I could say that every time God had directed my steps, those steps I did take.
However that would not be truthful.
Many times in my life God would place road blocks along my way....
The signs would all be there.....
Red flags flying high.....
Flashers blinking and sirens screaming
But did I turn around????
Sadly no.
It was nothing for me to go around the barricade.....
Climb over it.....
Slide under.......
And push my way through.
Regardless of the promises I had received from my daddy God, I insisted on doing things my way, resulting in a huge delay and creating one hot mess after another.
My thought process was hindered.
I believed since I was promised a certain blessing, it was up to me to obtain in any way I was humanly capable of doing so.....
Even if that meant I was to barrel through the road blocks my daddy God had so lovingly placed in my way to protect me.
I did not heed His instructions and was far from obeying him.
 I allowed my emotions to get the best of me and would react according to them instead of waiting for God to lead me.
The last few months God has placed a road block in my path.....
I have not gone around it.....
Climbed over it...
Nor have attempted to slide under.....
 What I have done, is stand right in front of it not moving.....
Emotionally paralyzed to some degree.....
Debating with God the reasons for my newly assigned roadblock.
The "but maybe's, could've, would've and what if's " have become my daily conversations with my daddy God.
Picture a small child looking up wide eyed to his or her parent asking " but why" over and over again......
Yep that would be me with my daddy God the last few months....
 And yet my roadblock has remained.
 After what seemed like an eternity I hear Him speak to me.....,

" This is not your road daughter".....
"Wait for it, For what I have for you is more than you've ever asked for"

Deuteronomy 5:33
Walk in obedience to all that the Lord your God has commanded you, so that you may live and prosper and prolong your days in the land that you will possess.

He knows his daughter, he knows my heart and the love I hold.....
He knows that I would sacrifice my own well being if I thought I could save someone else from their own world of pain.....
He knows I would sacrifice my blessing for all on the other side of the barricade.
However ,that's not his plan....
He wants to prosper and bless us all, but in his way and in his time.
For me to cross the road block removes me from the will of my daddy God over my life.
It would  impede the work He is doing in my life.

To get to where I need to be.....
To receive all that He has promised me.....
And be the woman He has called me to be....
I can not go through another unassigned road block
I can not go through this roadblock.

I must listen to his instructions and directions to prosper.
I am still a work in progress and so ever thankful for the love of my daddy God, for it is through His love I am never left standing alone.

I can clearly see the warning flags flying, flashers blinking and hear the sirens blaring.
My emotions will no longer hold me there.
It may have taken  a little time for me to turn around.
But turn I have....
And that's obedience.

 Roadblocks and Obedience.....
John 15:16
You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you  might go and bear fruit-fruit that will last-and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.


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