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Walking it Out While He Works it Out

Questions upon questions.......
It seems my new name has become Stacey "Question"
The last few weeks my mind has been in over drive. 
And seeking.

I want to forever stay in the will of my daddy God....
Never to walk off the path He has set for me. 
In other words, I do not want to go backwards( decisions that are flesh based), but continue to press forward ( decisions that are spirit based)

After many sleepless nights.....
Am I doing this right Lord?

Much reasoning.....
Am I where you want me?

Weighing in on all the pros and cons.....
Is there something else I am to do?

Making myself sick....
I need a yes or no please!!

My brain dizzy.....
Spinning in circles

Trying to figure it all out on my own through the flesh....

He speaks!!!
This morning before my eyes opened with the alarm clock.....
My daddy God spoke to my heart. 

Proverbs 16:4

New International Version (NIV)
The Lord works out everything to its proper end
    even the wicked for a day of disaster.

I love how He loves me!!
My questions are not all answered....
But He has told me ,He is working it all out for me!!
It is not for me to worry nor fret....
I am to listen for His voice.....
Seek Him!

I will continue to walk in his direction....
Seeking His face....
Listening for His instructions......
I will walk it out while He works it ALL out!!!



  1. That verse speaks well to a discussion I have going on on my FB page now about being made in the image of God. Some of the concerns of people are how we can view those who do evil in a good way, since they too are in the image of God. This verse you have here speaks to that. Good timing!

    1. Ahhhh He is so good isn't He?!! I love when He drops His word into my spirit!! And His timing is always PERFECT!! :)
      Blessings to you!!


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