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My Failures Are Blessings

The last few weeks I have felt as though I was standing on a cliff and ready to fall at any moment. 
I had no clue as to why....
I couldn't put my finger on it......
I had no revelation knowledge......
No great understanding......
Just a "blah" feeling.
I felt so far away from my daddy God and could not hear his voice.  
I pondered.....
I prayed......
I listened.....
I thought.......
And still nothing.
I became physically,emotionally, and spiritually drained......
I became weary......
I became fearful.
Even though I have been blessed in some areas of my life over the last few months, the feeling of failure had taken over me. The sad part is ,I didn't realize the battle that had shown up on my door step. 
Until today.........

When I read this,  my spirit was quickened......
My lack of understanding increased. 
I now see the battle in front of me.
The enemy knows our weakness and he preys upon them with vengeance. 
My weakness came in the fear of failing.
Failing my daddy God......
Failing as I take the next steps in  ministry.....
Failing those who love me.......
For if I fail, I may be rejected.

I had a pastor friend tell me today as he and his wife prayed for me....

"You will fail and God will meet you in the failure and make it a place of blessing."

What a profound, eye opening statement for me!!
( Thank you Pastor Jeff )

Which lead me to........

2 Corinthians 12:9-11

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 10 That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

What God has given me, the enemy can not remove.......
Where God has placed me, the enemy can not change.
It's not about me or my short comings!!
 It's all about Him and what He does through me!!!

My failures are my blessings!!!


2 Timothy 1:7

New King James Version (NKJV)
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.


  1. Hello Stacy, So glad to see this new post! I want to encourage you to encourage yourself with reading the scriptures that you showed in the picture, aloud and to declare them over yourself. That is one of the ways I stand and fight. I took the time over a few months and typed out every scripture God through the Holy Spirit showed me!!
    Then I put them in a notebook. I pray these scriptures daily till the rest and peace comes.
    Because it will come. I bless you and if you ever want to E-mail me please feel free to do so! For I am an overcomer because of His Word!!
    Blessings and His Favor upon your heart today!
    Big Hug to you! Roxy

    1. Hi Roxy!! It feels good to be blogging again. Thank you so much for such wonderful encouraging words!! I agree with you on speaking and declaring the word over myself daily. However I may be in need of a notebook myself :)
      I appreciate your offer to email, and I would love to!!
      I love popping over to your blog, it is such a peacful place to receive a good word and blessing!!

      Blessings to you and a big hug!!!

  2. Oh yes they are my friend, yes they are! What was meant for evil...God turns it around for our good. Genesis 50:20. He causes ALL things to work for our good when we remain faithful to Him! Good word my friend! Have a blessed weekend darlin', love ya!!

    1. Amen my dear friend!!! That He does indeed!! Isn't wonderful to know that we have a daddy that loves us so much he will turn all for the good?? :)
      Love you much sugar!!
      I call you blessed!!!!

  3. I write out Scripture on mini index cards as a memorization aid. Second Timothy 1:7 has been on my desk this week. I so know what you mean, Stacey! The enemy would love for us to remain weak, fearful, and dejected. None of this is our inheritance as children of God! So glad for your pastor and wife for infusing your spirit with renewed strength and spiritual power! God is so faithful!

    1. Hi Allison! Yes the enemy would love that, however once we learn to stand on HIS word, the word of our Daddy God, the enemy no longer has a foot hold in our lives :)
      The Lord is ever so faithful :)
      Blessings to you !!

  4. Hi Stacey, God is always using that which we feel we have failed at, to work a great good in and for us. If we constantly seek Him out, He corrects our steps with grace and mercy. Something I have learnt recently is that despite me, God will do what He set out to do. It is the devil who reminds us of our failings.
    God bless my friend


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