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A Word from the Lord.....Featuring Tracy Teppler

I love how God uses people and I love it and am humbled by when the Lord sometimes uses me in some small way.  I love when someone is desperate for a touch, a word, from God and... they get it.  I love when one is in church and you see how people have been touched by God.


I WANT THAT... for me too.  My husband and I have been going through a very hard thing and its culminating in a court case on the 7th of February, but I have been fearful and alternating between begging the Lord to intervene before then, or begging Him to make it go away!  We have been trying to do all the right things, like reading God's word, trusting Him, speaking His word over the situation... But it is TOUGH to have faith in the face of the enemy's attempts at destruction when you have been standing for so long.

And then.... WOW!

The morning after a 5 1/2 hour meeting with our lawyers to prepare for the court case, the morning after being emotionally drained and emptied, I go on facebook.  You know, check out what everyone is saying, looking for positive thoughts, great scriptures and someone else on facebook, a continent away starts chatting with me and 5 minutes in she says the following:

What I hear is God saying, "Pray for her to have bubbling laughter at the very mention of this situation, that the joy would pour from her." And what I see is it is like a weapon, and every time Satan tries to goad you with this, you bubble with joy and laughter, and he is so enraged by your reaction, he leaves. And I feel like the Lord says this is YOUR personal weapon that He has fashioned just for you. Have you asked for joy in the presence of your enemies or something?
and then...
 I keep seeing you in a room sitting at a wooden table. It looks like what i think a courtroom would look like. Big ceiling fans hanging down.  And instead of being anxious, you almost cannot contain yourself. You are filled to overflowing with joy and laughter.
WOW, goose bumps, chills, tears!  This is a woman I have never met, this is a woman who knows nothing about this other than the previous day was tough for me in this meeting.


I can never again say, "I want a word from the Lord"  because I have now had an awesome word from the Lord.  I can hang on to it for dear life with much laughter, and much joy bubbling forth from the Lord, from inside my heart.

Don't give up waiting and longing and desiring a word from the Lord.  Seek Him and He will be found.
Jer 29 v 13:  And you shall seek me, and find me, when you shall search for me with all your heart.  

 Enjoy God bless

Beauty in His Grip Button


  1. Our daddy God always knows the right time to give us a word. His word never returns void!! What a awesome post and testimony of the love of the Father!!!
    Thank you for sharing my friend!!!

  2. Hi Stacey, thank you my friend. You bless me big!!!

    God bless

  3. Oh, Tracey, that is such a goose bumps story! Can't wait to here more on the story. But God is always the biggest BUT of all...and also the best intervention comes from the most unexpected places. So glad that this sweet friend reminded you just so with the But God just right for you...

    But God has revealed those things to us by his Spirit. 1 Corinthians 2:10 For the Spirit searches everything, even the deep things of God.Oh I am inspired to write about that now!

    1. Hi Dawn, I am happy to say, with humility and awe, that God HAS given us the victory and I intend to, at every opportunity, give Him the glory!
      Thank you friend
      God bless

  4. You do have the best laugh, even that little giggle you do is fabulous.
    You go girl friend!

    1. Hi Stefanie, I am so grateful for your friendship, where I can giggle like a nutter. Love you

  5. Tracey, from what I've read so far, you DO have a word from the Lord--His He's been speaking to you about not caring at all WHEN we read it, but THAT we read it.

    And, He's given you the blessing of speaking through someone half way around the world just to let you know He sees you.
    Oh, He's a great big God.

    Thanks for sharing this story.

    1. Hi Jody, He is awesome, like Blue Cotton Memory below I have been so blessed by this on-line community. He has no boundaries when it comes to finding ways to get through to us.
      God bless

  6. Saw you were guest posting over here and had to come read it! I'm glad I did. You know, I really think that prayer online is not really taken seriously a lot of the time. But, just as this situation, God can move through the internet to place a sentence or two at just the right time for just the right person. Praise God for His no boundaries pursuit. :)

    1. Hi Falen, I have learnt so much and had so much encouragement from this on-line community I am so grateful to the Lord. You are so right, He can use anything to help His children, electronic media is His, yeah
      God bless

  7. I have found more support through my challenges in this beautiful community than I have on this side of the computer - the prayers have sustained me, encouraged me - and understood, teaching me more how to live grace and hope - and unconditional love. Beautiful testimony of how He reaches us:)

    (so excited about the results, too :)

    1. Hi BCM :) If not for electronic media I would not know about you and your post-it note ministry :) <3 I am so grateful for you and to the Lord for letting me find you here.
      God bless

  8. Hi Tracy, I so desire to hear Him speak. He has been so good to me. He does speak and we must encourage others to know He has given us spiritual ears to hear. But also are natural ones. May everything work out quickly!
    Blessings, Roxy


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