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Crushed but Not Destroyed

* Photo from Wizard of Oz*

 Hard pressed on every side would be an understatement for me over the last several weeks. I feel like this picture minus the ruby slippers.........


I feel like I have a huge house sitting on me, crushing me, unable to move and no ability to breathe......

This house ,that sits on me, is reminding me of all my past failures and mistakes in life.....
Squeezing me from all sides......
Showing me my child is stepping on to that same road I walked so many years ago.

When I show the enemy he can not get to me personally, He goes after the next best thing....
My loved ones.
He will remind me of my past choices in life, my hardships and mistakes and whisper I am to blame for my child's choices......

The last few days my emotions have been all over the place......
Happy, sad, angry, fear and frustration.

Happy comes from a new season that is opening in my families life....
Sad for the ending of one.....
Anger from  choices that are being made.... ( the anger comes from my fear of these choices)
Frustration from knowing what the out come will be and can not change the mind of my loved one.

This morning I woke up asking God to remove this house from me.......
My stress level has reached it's peak and beyond......
I asked for peace that surpasses all understanding......

And then just when I think I can't take another breath....
When my legs just feel as though they are planted in cement.....
He, my daddy God, gives me the words meant for my heart today.


Romans 8:28

28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose.

And my icing on the cake came from reading Ashley's blog this morning over at  " This Southern Girl's Heart."  What a blessing to my heart and soul!!!

 (You can read her blog Here  ......pop over and be blessed)

My daddy God in His enormous love for me spoke to my heart this morning and is removing this house that was sent to destroy me, and giving me victory in His name over my circumstances.

The old me, the one who in the pass would not let go in her life, has no room here anymore.....
The new me, the one who wants nothing but God's plans, is letting go of this house and believing no matter how the enemy comes in to try and take me out.........

I, nor my loved ones, will NOT be destroyed, We will be a testimony of God's work in our lives!!!

 He is working in all our lives and I promise, no matter the size of the "house"  you feel sitting on you, He is working on your behalf as well!!!

 I may not have "ruby" slippers but I am breathing today :)
I may have been crushed.....
BUT I am not destroyed!!! :)


2 Corinthians 4:8-9
We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed—

* I take no credit for photos used in this blog*


  1. You just have a beautiful heart! I loved this so much!

    1. Thank you sweet girl!!! Have a blessed weekend :))

  2. Lot's of people say that God doesn't give us more than we can handle.. But I think He gives us plenty that we can't handle; by ourselves.. But with Him, we can handle anything..
    This was a wonderful post!

    1. Ohhh Ren you are so right!!! I agree with you 100%
      Thank you for your encouraging words!!!

      Blessings :))

  3. Amen and PTL! Hang in there sister! Life is hard. But He is our rock! I'll be praying for you and your family!
    I found you next to me at leaving a Legacy. Your Title called to me. I often feel crushed, but will not be destroyed!

    1. Hi Sylvia!! Thank you for your encouraging words!! I am so glad you found me and popped in for a visit :))
      Thank you for your prayers :))

      God Bless you!!!

  4. I pray this new season will give you hope and joy. You describe the weight of things on your so vividly. I love the new look at the blog - it's beautiful! God's greatest blessings to you today!

    1. Thank you Brenda!! Your love, support and prayers mean the world!! You are such a blessing to me!!

      Blessings toyou my friend!! :))

  5. Hey Stacey! What an awesome post my friend! Just when we think we can't take anymore...He steps in and takes over! What an AWESOME God we serve! Thanks so much for the reminder lovely lady! Btw...I LOVE the new look Stacey! Have a blessed week! XOXOXO

    1. Thank you my sweet friend!!! You are always such a encourager to me and for me!!!
      Have a blessed week as well :))



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