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Who will Rise for me against Evil doers? ...Featuring Michell Pulliam

When you’ve done it for the least of them….
“Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? Who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity? Unless the Lord had been my help, My soul would soon have settled in silence.” Psalm 94: 16-17.
Wasn’t it Chaplain Peter Marshall that said, '...because if we don't stand for something, we shall fall for anything'. Indifference is as bad as participation. If we as the Body won’t stand for those who are suffering, those who can’t fight for themselves, those who are impoverished…then who will? Listen, I’m not condemning the Body, for I too am a part of it; but we must all admit that somewhere along the way…we sort of lost some of our compassion.
When Jesus separates the sheep (those who showed compassion) and the goats (those who didn’t show compassion) and told the sheep to “come you blessed of My father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world”…why?  Because He said…”when you did it for one of the least of these (the hungry, the naked, the sick, and the imprisoned), then you did it for Me”. It doesn’t get any plainer than that folks! We’ll never get around it. If we don’t see about and care for those less fortunate…Jesus WILL put you in the category of a goat!  He said to those who didn’t have compassion (the goats), “depart from me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels”.
Don’t believe me? Read Matthew 25:31-46. As my husband would say…RED LETTERS BABY”. And no… we can’t do one and not the other, He said to do them ALL. Listen, we can get caught up in the affairs of this country and this world, but we mustn’t get it twisted!

We can look holy on the outside and say all the right things, but if we’re not demonstrating the love of Christ, then we’re not hitting a lick at a stick. We’re considered an unprofitable servant. If you can pass by a person whose suffering and not hurt for them, I question whether you have the heart of Christ. If this post convicts you…GREAT!
My purpose and intent have been accomplished. If it doesn’t start with us my fellow Believers…then who?  We are who Christ intended to use to carry out Luke 4:18-19, but we won’t be able to if we lack compassion. 
We MUST stand up the disenfranchised, we MUST stand up for the voiceless, and we MUST stand up for those who can’t stand up for themselves.  He went about doing good and He healed them all…not just those who looked like Him, not just those who were in His socioeconomic class, and not just those who  were of His faith…but He healed them ALL…..


  1. Wow! Such convicting words, and much needed. Break our hearts for what breaks Yours, Lord, and give us eyes to see others the way You see them.

  2. I agree Alecia!!! This such a powerful, eye opening word!!! We are to love as Christ does, not the way the world states us to!!!

  3. From one who befriends the homeless, I say, AMEN! and AMEN! and AMEN!

  4. Thank you ladies! Our lives have become so busy, we sometimes forget the MAIN purpose of our lives and our seek and save the lost! Have a blessed week!


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