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She Shut The Door And Poured

2 Kings 4:5
So she went from him and shut the door behind her and her sons, who brought the vessels to her; and she poured it out.
  2 Kings chapter 4 tells the story of a widow woman on the verge of losing her sons to pay off the debits owed. With creditors on their way to take her only means of future support, she cries out to the prophet Elisha. Following his instructions, vessels are gathered and the little bit of oil she has begins to flow in abundance..... after she shuts the door. With many vessels now full, she is able to sell the oil, pay the debits owed and her sons remain with her.
She shut the door and poured it out.......
Those words erupt in my heart. A Godly woman she was. she poured her heart out and her needs were met. But she shut the door! Too many times in life I have a need , a wanting, a desire but yet can not hear what the Lord would say all because I have left the door open; an open door allowing the voices of the world to pour into my heart and not the promises of God. He longs to fill the vessels of my heart with His goodness but it is up to me to shut the door and let the pouring begin. 
I am forever a vessel on the potters wheel...........
I am learning to be able to pour into the lives of others, I must have something to pour. If the vessels of my heart are over flowing with doubt, un-forgiveness, uncertainty, and even worse anger, there is no room for the oils of Gods goodness to fill me. My hearts desire is to pour grace, mercy, joy, wisdom and love. But to do so I must be careful as to what is poured in my heart.
Matthew 6:6
But you, when you pray, go to your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place;
Once again we read "shut the door."  Jesus wants one on one time with us. He wants to be able to meet every need, every desire and do so in abundance. However if the door is left open for the bellowing of the world to scream against the promising words of God, our vessels cannot be filled with His righteousness. I have purposed in my heart to bring all my vessels to Jesus daily, to shut the door and allow Him to fill me. And in turn pour into those whom He seeks me to pour into.
She shut the door and poured.................
Forever His Daughter,


  1. Hi Stacey, oh wow, such a profound point you make. We need to shut the door on all that outside noise and influence, in order to hear properly, what the Lord would say to us.
    Always encouraging me
    God bless


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