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Not Change, It's Transition

It has been several weeks since my last blog.
I have had so many words swirling through my mind......
Many emotions running through my heart....
But every time I sat to write, all I could do was stare at a blank page.
I couldn't figure out where to start....
My words seemed to just ramble on and on, without any sense or connection. 

I haven't been able to understand nor grasp all my emotions.....
There have been just too many.
When I look back over the last few years of my life, I see growth.
I see change.
I feel like I am on the side lines, standing and  watching so many move forward ;happily I cheer them on.

I ask my daddy God if He would just tell when is it my time?
Just like a small child, I tell him I don't understand this process of change. 
I sit.....
I stand.....
I wait....
I wonder.

I hold on to His promises.
I cling to His word.....
I remind myself daily of all He has told me.
"When is it my turn " I ask again. 
"I really want all the pieces to connect now Lord" I tell him.
My ramblings begin to flow full force.

"It's not change "I am told.
And then in His sweet loving way I am lead to this........

Transition is not the same as change. Change is external, such as a death, a promotion, a move etc...Transition is something that happens internally. Three phases of transition were discussed: an ending...something dies in our life, a neutral phase, in which we are in a "wilderness type" season, and a new beginning, in which we learn a new normal. The Lord's purpose will prevail. God allows transition. Transition prepares us inwardly for what He has for us outwardly. Don't hurry the process. Don't abort the promise He has for you...what He wants to do in your life. Surround yourself with the right people, ask questions, develop good habits, and you will see the birth of His promises in your life. 
(via- Jana Alcorn)
Not change......


I am now having a Ah-Ha moment.
 I see the 'changes" that have occurred in my life and realize "transition" is  the season I now walk.

My daddy God continues to mold and shape me into the woman He has called me to be. 
I see Him raising up an army for His kingdom, a new generation of Godly warriors. 
For us all to be who He has called us to be, there must be transition.....
There must be a shift!!

Another lesson for me.....
I am not to hurry the process.....
I am not to abort the promises He has for me....

As I continue my walk of transition, I will ask questions,develop good habits,surround myself with those who will encourage me.
 I  will witness the birth of of His promises in my life. ( For His word never returns void)

I want to encourage you, to look for your transition season.
Embrace it.....
Find joy in it......
Praise Him......
And walk it like a boss!!!


Proverbs 16:4
The Lord works out everything to its proper end.....


  1. Hmmm, I never thought of it that way, Stacey. There IS a difference between transition and change. God's in control of both, mercifully, and He walks with us through the season of transition. There's so much comfort in that knowledge!

  2. Transition is so difficult, but often necessary. If we fully understand that transition is a bridge that connects the old with the new, then we can begin to encourage ourselves during the tough times. Because "weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning"!


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