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His Love Broke Open the Way

 His love broke open the way and brought me into a beautiful broad place...... Psalm 18:19 (TPT)

" His love broke open the way...." 

I simply adore those words. I can see in this translation the beautiful resurrection of Christ. Though he laid dead in a darkened tomb with a stone sealing him in and others out, God reached down with His love, kissing life back into His son with His whispering words of love. 

And the stone was rolled away...…..

Many times, in my life there have been situations, circumstances or even relationships which seemed to be placed behind a stone.  No heartbeat. No warming touch. No life at all. There have been other times when I felt like I was the one behind a stone. Stumbling through the pitch blackness, gasping for air, hands forward trying to feel my way out through the absolute dead of silence. Or so it appeared.


He never intended for those things in my life which look to be desolate to remain as such. What I see and what He sees are never the same. A lingering situation may appear to be decayed and useless by my own conception.  He, however, knows it to be a progression; a process of restoring, growth and redeeming.

* Restoring those things which were lost

* Redeeming the unjust seasons

* Growth in spiritual maturity. 

It is in His unfailing love; we are never left as we are. Nothing I ever go through in life is wasted. My Jesus will use every moment of every season in my life to bring beauty from my ashes, healing for my wounds, peace in my despair, joy in the midst of  mourning, patience in the valley, wisdom in the storm, and comfort in the waiting.

He doesn't leave me faltering in the dark behind a cold stone; with His hands extended in grace and mercies dripping from His fingertips, He rolls the stone. Every. Time.

Psalm 21:13 (NKJV) 

I would have lost heart, unless I had believed

That I would see the goodness of the Lord

In the land of the living.

My stones came in many fashions.  Stones of brokenness. Stones of unworthiness. Stones of rejection and stones of fear. I had stones of self doubt, some larger than others and some just a pebble of a size. Some stones were ones of facades. I had sadly became real good at hiding my true emotions growing up. My happy plastic face became one of permanency for the many trips around the sun for this girl.

But once again...….


Time and time again  He has delivered me from myself  and the stones I had grown accustom to having present in my life. 

Zephaniah 3:17 (NIV) 

"The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.”

 The beautiful, wonderous broad place is in His arms; sheltered, redeemed, restored, renewed, and loved without measure.

His love broke open the way for me...…..

And for you.


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