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Just Write

                                                      Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash

Some days, I can feel the words in me swirling like a small tornado. On other days, words are hard to find.

But. Today.

There is no rhythm or reason to the words in my spirit. They swirl with their own life, waiting to be introduced to the world. There is no one story in particular only words that are bursting to be written.

Today, I will write.

From a place that has stained my heart with tears...

From a place that has brought unexplained joy to my soul...

From all that has moved me into a grace that can only be from Jesus himself.

Never mind if the tale of my words jumps from one universe to another, if they intertwine as unmatched threads having no connection whatsoever.

Just write.

Write those things that others can bury within and have them for a rainy day.

Write those things which others can glean nuggets of wisdom on days when wisdom seems to be hidden.

Write those things so that everyone is reminded of how loved and important we are and that we have a purpose.

Write those things that once brought you pain but now give you joy beyond your wildest imagination.

Write portions of your life in truth and transparency, knowing your words will be an anchor of hope to many—or just one.

This year has been indescribable. Since 2020, I've taken a hard inventory of myself and the life I desire for the Kingdom of God. My heart posture has been molded and remolded...….daily.

But the rocks of wisdom I have gained have been etched deep within my soul.

My validation does not come from the things of this world but from Jesus alone.

The rejection that has slammed my heart no longer holds me hostage.

Extend grace as often as possible, just as Jesus does for me.

Compassion is a portion of the heart's lifeline.

Share. It.

Jesus has shown me more compassion than I would ever deserve.

Stay humble in all things at all times. Pride is destructive and has no mercy.

Use Godly wisdom with the things of this world, and never take my eyes off Jesus.

Stay focused!

Turning the other cheek over and over again hurts like the dickens, but the rewards of forgiveness outweigh any false value or narrative in revenge-seeking.

The power of prayer and its effects can never be measured. Prayer seals me, delivers me, protects me, provides for me, and, most importantly, connects me to the One I belong to.

He gives me beauty for my ashes.

He sings over me

I am His daughter.

Loved without measure

I do not know what is around the bend for me or this upside-down world we are living in. But I do know Jesus has it and me. Trust him and stay focused!!

And keep writing!

James 3:13

Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom.


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