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When I Choose Truth, I Am Choosing Freedom.


There has been times in my life when I did not want to face the truth. 
It was scary.....
It was messy.......
It was fear based from my own insecurities......
It was reality I did not want to deal with, and it was freedom I had yet to embrace.

Someone once told me, if I did not stop and face my giants in life, they would continue to chase me.  My giants grew, overshadowed me and consumed every area in my life. 
I had no peace.....
I walked in false happiness.....
I believed if I ignored them long enough they would just simply disappear. I lived in a bubble of false pretenses. A bubble I created on my own. 

Over time I have learned truth is not the enemy. Truth may be scary.It may be a little messy when I am getting to the core root of an issue, however there is so much restoration waiting for me once I get there. I am living proof to walk and abide in my daddy God's word, truth is my freedom.

There was a time I had a hurtful issue within my family. It was a truth I did not want to deal with much less bring it to light. I saw myself steps away from shutting down and choosing to ignore it in the hopes it would just disappear as though it never happened. The more my thought process went in the direction of ignore and pretend, the more I became ill on the inside. For truth to have it's rightful place and give me the healing peace I need, I had to face this new giant in my life. 

Sometimes I find it amusing how the enemy will try his best to take me back to my old ways.
The days when I ran and hid from truth.He knows when I stand in faith and lean on the one who will never forsake me, in turn others will see the healing love of God and hope will prevail. 
I may still have my moments when I just can't deal per say, ignore it for a short period of time but the goodness of my daddy God gives me the grace to turn and face it head on even if I am kicking my way through it. 

As I reflected today and sought my daddy God for his wisdom once again he speaks to my heart. He gives me instruction and wisdom.

John 8:31-32
Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, "If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Proverbs 12:19
The truthful lip shall be established forever but a lying tongue is but for a moment. 

Truth is meant to deliver us not hold us hostage in fear. It may hurt initially but the truth of God's words heals the heart. I choose to abide in His word. I choose for truthful lips to forever be established. I choose peace.

When I choose truth, I am choosing freedom.

Forever His Daughter,



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