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Showing posts from March, 2017

When Desires Overshadow Contentment

Photo Credit: Amy Treasure   If I only had more money in my bank accountā€¦.   If my house was biggerā€¦ā€¦ If I had a new car I just know Iā€™d be happyā€¦.. If only I could buy that new furnitureā€¦ā€¦.   How many times have we all desired for something more than what we already have?   Our bills are paid, but yet desire more extras than our bank accounts allow. We have a home to lay our heads and somehow find fault in its size. The car is paid off but the smell of a new one entertains our thoughts on a daily bases. And the furniture is a tad old but yet not the latest fashion statement we want to make. There is no wrong in wanting more in life; to be able to upgrade from time to time, take that long awaited vacation or make a brand new purchase for something we have always dreamed of.   The downfall comes when the desires of our flesh become more than the contentment of our hearts; when materials things take presence over our spiritual desires. ...

My Walk....His Calling

Photo Credit: Paul Dufour I am a firm believer we are all called to walk according to His plan. I know within the depth of my soul I am created with a purpose, all to glorify His Kingdom. I came to know I had a calling when I was only 7 years old. As a young child it was liberating to hear Him speak to me the many wonderful things in store. The path, my young mind painted,was a beautiful road. One filled with great opportunities and victories along the way. I never dreamed of the trials I would face as I grew. And neither had I fathomed the hardships of my journey. Yet they came and some knocked me flat off my feet. As a pre-teen I did not comprehend  to walk with Jesus I would have trials as He did. It never occurred to me the world would turn against me due to my new found love of God. Looking back I see where I deviated off the road He had carved out for me; a path He fashioned just for me and when things became bumpy.... I bailed. It was never my intent to fall by...

Fresh Bread

Photo Credit: Clem Onojeghuo Give us this day our daily bread.......    The smell of fresh baked bread never fails to have my mouth watering and my nose on high alert, not to mention the warm savory taste each bite brings with melted butter dripping over and drizzling down my finger tips. To say I love fresh bread is an understatement at the very least. Bread that gives me nourishment is not to be wasted, and neither is the spiritual bread my daddy God has for me. The last week or so, when my alarm starts ringing and before my eyes are open, I ask the Lord to give my daily bread. A fresh word, a warm aroma, and a sweet taste of his bread (word) to begin my day. Now I must be honest and say I am far from a morning person. I am not the "jump out of bed, feet hit the floor running, birds chirping" kinda girl. I am a " hit the snooze button 5 more times, slowly sit up , and pry my eyes open with a crow bar" kinda girl.  And thankfully my daddy ...