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Showing posts from 2017

Winding Roads

      Life would be so much easier if every road we traveled was straight and our view never became obstructed, however that is not always the case.   Our roads in life will at some point will began to curve and twist.   Some may be sharp and narrow ones while others may be wide and large. It seems the winding roads come out of no where. They  appear when least expected and tend to, at times, present an unwelcome surprise.   A jolt to the tranquil ..... A bang within the peace...... A disruption of the joy. Over time I have learned when I can not see what is in front of me or what is around the next bend, it is then my trust in  God must be unwavering . I can not simply trust him just in the times of joy in my life, I must trust him in every area of my life. And that includes winding roads.   I  am coming into a new season of  change. A shift I can not quite understand. I have not had any major catastro...

Assurance Comes From Him

  Photo by Allef Vinicius on Unsplash     "You seek assurance from others when you should be seeking it from me."   Those are the words the Lord spoke to me in the midnight hour on December 11th, 2016. I was dealing with a deeply embedded wound causing my heart to grieve from someone I love dearly. I do not believe there is not a person alive that does not seek assurance from a loved one, friend, employer or pastor. It's human nature to want an accolade, an acknowledgment of merit from those who are important in our lives. But when the desire for assurance and self-confidence from others becomes more than assurance from God, the merit we long for cannot be be found. Almost a year later, I am finding myself struggling with decisions that will impact my future greatly, and once again seeking assurance however this time.....from God and God alone. Assurance from God is a self confidence that cannot be measured.  It is one ...

Sifting Before the Shifting

I have been hearing the Lord say " shift" for the last year.  Shift in the atmosphere, shift in our nation, shift in the church, and a shift in me.  When I think about the word shift, I see a grand swope of the hand of God moving all into a direction of peace and wholeness.I believe without a doubt He is doing so, however I never once entertained the though He'd have to do some sifting.... sifting in me. Sifting is a process, a two part process, when sifting wheat. First comes the threshing, the beating of the grain using a flail. Second part is the winnowing, throwing the mixture in the air allowing the wind to blow away the lighter chaffs and the heavier grains to fall back down for recovery.  I take a closer look at this process and begin to meditate on how it applies to my life. The threshing  is the process of removal; removing those things which will cause me to stumble.When God begins to remove, He does so with the in...

I Don't Know Her Name........

     Over the weekend, I was blessed to travel with an amazing group of people to my home away from home, Cleveland Texas.  It is there supplies were brought and large cooking pots were fired up to cook and serve the community members after hurricane Harvey marked this town with his damaging winds and flooding rain. Serving and caring for those who have suffered a great loss tends to pull on the strings of my heart, however this precious lady not only pulled on my heart strings, her meek and humbleness has lodged a place in the depth of my soul.  I had watched her walk through the church parking lot, shoulders slumped, her foot steps appearing to be in slow motion with her eyes scanning for someone to talk to. There was softness about her; a presence of need.  She asked if she had to register to gather the supplies she needed. After explaining to her she did not need to register and was welcome to take anything she needed...

Walking Through The Desert In Faith

  **** Repost from September 2012 ****   Photo Credit: Averie Woodard     There have been seasons in my life when God has instructed me to walk through the desert. He doesn't give me the whole picture.  Just one softly spoken instruction for each step directed and ordered by Him. I am in one of those seasons now; walking through a desert in faith, believing the promises from my daddy God. It can be difficult, this walk in the desert. I want to continue and succeed. I want to get to the place He has for me. My steps get heavier, my lips are parched, I am tired and my soul cries out.    Should I turn around?  Sit down and cry? Beg and plead for Him to move me faster? My flesh is growing tired and weary and then I hear in my heart............   Matthew 26:41 Watch and pray that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.   I walk on,...

When My Expectations Fall Flat......

        Expectations in life are a huge platform for hope. I hope for the best and give God the rest. Well , I do have my times when I think I have given my daddy God the rest but truth is, I still hold tight to the things I should release.   Sheeeshh..... My life's expectations do not seem unrealistic to me. My expectations in life are truth, honesty, loyalty, respect and unconditional love.   I want  what my heart gives in return.  I hope through my expectations that others will see my heart  and see me for who I truly am from the inside out.  I expect my kindness not be taken for granted nor my love for others taken advantage of. I  expect (want) to be treated as I treat others.  Doesn't seem like much, but  sadly it is. My down fall, I have to come to recognize, it is me putting so much hope in others and their actions or lack of, is when my expectaions fall flat. My feelings ...

When I Choose Truth, I Am Choosing Freedom.

  There has been times in my life when I did not want to face the truth.  It was scary..... It was messy....... It was fear based from my own insecurities...... It was reality I did not want to deal with, a nd it was freedom I had yet to embrace. Someone once told me, if I did not stop and face my giants in life, they would continue to chase me.  My giants grew, overshadowed me and consumed every area in my life.  I had no peace..... I walked in false happiness..... I believed if I ignored them long enough they would just simply disappear.  I lived in a bubble of false pretenses. A bubble I created on my own.  Over time I have learned truth is not the enemy.  Truth may be scary. It may be a little messy when I am getting to the core root of an issue, however there is so much restoration waiting for me once I get there.  I am living proof to walk and abide in my daddy God's word, truth is my freedom. There was a...