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A Quiet Place

All who know me know I am a full throttle kinda girl. 
The energizer bunny at warp speed some would say. 
Being a single mom for most of my life double duty was the norm. 
A full time working mom whose daughters both were involved in every sport, every school function and outside activities with the youth group, my world was go go go. 
Never a dull or slow moment. 

I would like to say I had allowed the hustle and bustle of life to consume me, however that would not be completely accurate. 
According to my mom, I have been this way since the day I took my first breath. 

However,as I have gotten older, living life at warp speed is not always best.
Never allowing myself to slow down and smell the roses per say not only has me miss out on the simple things in life, I miss hearing what my daddy God wants to speak to me. 
Over the years I leaned to slow down a bit, stop, and listen for the voice of my daddy God.  I had no clue how OCD I truly was until I was told to "Be Still".  I had no clue what that meant much less know how to actually do it. 
It has been a huge learning curve for me to say the lease.

 Recently I've had many changes in my life. 
Some have been great, others have been hard. 
My "OCD I can fix it syndrome " has kicked up here and there. 
(Mostly here to be honest. )
I find myself waking up three to four times a night with a list of things to do swimming through my head.  
My mind has become so noisy I have not been able to hear my own voice much less the voice of my daddy God. 
I can feel him around me and with me but because I have been full throttle the last several months, the softness of his voice sadly has gone unnoticed. 
The whisper that calms the storms in life.......
The faint but yet powerful tone that vibrates to my core.....
The peace that quietens my soul......
The Shepherd's voice calling to his little sheep.
( His OCD, busy busy, go at warp speed little sheep) 

I am worn out....................

In reality we all need a quiet place. 
A place to turn off the noise....
A place to drink in the calmness of our daddy God's love...
To recharge and refuel....
To gain wisdom and strength...
And allow him to remove the yoke of burden from around our necks , replacing it with his sweet peace; a peace that surpasses all understanding. 
For me, I need a place where I can drop the "double duty dealing" and remember I am not alone. 
A place where I can hear his voice above the noise......
A place where only He and I reside for a time.
A place of sweet surrender.....
And thankfulness.
I am blessed to now have the perfect spot for me...
A place for me and my daddy God. 
It is here where I can leave the world behind and hear the voice that never leaves nor forsakes me; this OCD little sheep that longs to hear her Shepherd's voice in a noisy world. 

A Quiet Place........


Matthew 11:28-30
Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light. 


  1. Hi Stacey, I so know what you mean. The last year or so I have been desperate for alone time with the Lord and slowly I have found that space. It has been refreshing, every morning (well, most mornings) me and my tea, to spend time in His word. I should thank my dogs actually, they wake me up so I have enough time to do this. Without it, my day gets away from me. Smell the roses my friend!
    God bless


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