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Praying And Tossing

James 1:5-8

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do.

I believe in the power of prayer.....
I believe and trust when I speak to my daddy God he hears me, His daughter......
I believe He listens to my every word with the sweetest of love........
I believe He takes each emotion with my prayers and holds them to His heart for safe keeping.  
I believe every feeling I have has the utmost importance to Him.
 I do believe..............

Then why at times do I toss so much?
It's the natural .......
The human nature in me that can't see pass the here and now that allows doubt to creep in.....
 Deep down fear that my prayers that will not be answered for the ones I love. 
His word ( James 1:5-8) tells us  we must believe and NOT doubt......
Doubt can be a strong hold that will strangle our very core of faith if allowed. 
I never saw myself as doubtful or double minded at the least, however, over the last week my daddy God has brought to my attention I have been. 
I pray earnestly for those I love and as soon as my last amen is said, the "what if" and "oh no" races into my mind. 
I have come to recognize this past week my lack of strength while waiting for the manifestation of my prayers to come forth.......
I believed I waited and continue to run my race with endurance but  when it comes to those I love,  I see I want it all done pronto and in my time. 
That is where my tossing comes in.......
My double mindedness......
My doubt and fears.....
And sadly I am being tossed by the wind as a wave in the sea.
I am praying fervently for the ones I love and then doubting my prayers will be answered all because my time is not His time. 
Impatient much?!?! 
Yep that's me....
This week I was told by my daddy God to stand for someone I care deeply for.....
That even in the darkest hour to stand, that He, my daddy God was working in their life.....
To trust Him.
I believe He has allowed me to see my tossing and feel His loving correction for this purpose.....
And many more to come. 
He knows my heart and He knows the love I carry for many.
He doesn't want me to doubt and be tossed about.......
He wants me to receive and those I am standing for receive as well.
In His infinite love for me He has taught me that faith and fear can not reside together......
Hope and doubt can not be friends.......
Peace and confusion are not one in the same...
And most importantly, my TRUST in Him is the foundation that keeps me standing for all whom I love.
I am to speak His words in and over every situation.....
I am to believe with no doubt or fear.....
I am to stand.

No longer tossing. 


Romans 15:13
Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. 

* I take no credit for above photos.*


  1. So true my Sweet Niece!!!! Stand still and see the Glory of God as he works in your life!!!!! And when you have done all STAND!!!!!!


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