I believe I have a purpose...... My journey has just begun....... I believe my destiny is ordained.......... My footsteps have been ordered...... I believe he walks with me..... Never to leave nor forsake me.......... I believe every promises my daddy God has ever made to me. I believe that his timing is far from mine....... His ways are higher than my own....... I believe his word never returns void....... He is not a man that he should lie......... I believe he meets me where I am ..... Every minute of every day. I believe he sees my struggles and loves me unconditionally..... He knows my hearts desires....... I believe he brings beauty from my ashes..... Everything works for those who love him. I believe when my hearts breaks........ He collects my tears in a jar...... I believe his healing touch is all I need..... For he binds the wounds and heals the broken hearted. I believe he cal...