Someone once told me .......... "Be careful what pot you stir, for you may end up eating from that very same pot" It was several years back this was shared and I love how a lesson back then can and will still apply to the here and now. It amazes me when my daddy God brings something to my heart and mind. I have been meditating on this and asking..... What am I stirring Lord? A pot full of love or resentment?? Does my pot have forgiveness or anger?? Is my soul food tasty or bitter here in my pot? Do my ingredients smell of sweet nothings and a beautiful fragrance to you Lord? Do they cause others to hunger for you? Or have they began to burn with blackness on my heart and in my words?? And cause pain and sorrow?? Exactly what am I stirring Lord??? It's so easy to get caught up in our fleshy emotions for we truly can not see what exactly we tend to stir. I have come to a place in my life, I no longer conce...