Questions upon questions....... It seems my new name has become Stacey "Question" The last few weeks my mind has been in over drive. Wondering..... Searching..... Pondering..... And seeking. I want to forever stay in the will of my daddy God.... Never to walk off the path He has set for me. In other words, I do not want to go backwards( decisions that are flesh based), but continue to press forward ( decisions that are spirit based) After many sleepless nights..... Am I doing this right Lord? Much reasoning..... Am I where you want me? Weighing in on all the pros and cons..... Is there something else I am to do? Making myself sick.... I need a yes or no please!! My brain dizzy..... Spinning in circles Trying to figure it all out on my own through the flesh.... S TOP IT!! He speaks!!! This morning before my eyes opened with the alarm clock..... My daddy God spoke to my heart. Proverbs 16:4 New Internati...