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Showing posts from August, 2013

Walking it Out While He Works it Out

Questions upon questions....... It seems my new name has become Stacey "Question" The last few weeks my mind has been in over drive.  Wondering..... Searching..... Pondering..... And seeking. I want to forever stay in the will of my daddy God.... Never to walk off the path He has set for me.  In other words, I do not want to go backwards( decisions that are flesh based), but continue to press forward ( decisions that are spirit based) After many sleepless nights..... Am I doing this right Lord? Much reasoning..... Am I where you want me? Weighing in on all the pros and cons..... Is there something else I am to do? Making myself sick.... I need a yes or no please!! My brain dizzy..... Spinning in circles Trying to figure it all out on my own through the flesh.... S TOP IT!! He speaks!!! This morning before my eyes opened with the alarm clock..... My daddy God spoke to my heart.  Proverbs 16:4 New Internati...

My Failures Are Blessings

The last few weeks I have felt as though I was standing on a cliff and ready to fall at any moment.  I had no clue as to why.... I couldn't put my finger on it...... I had no revelation knowledge...... No great understanding...... Just a "blah" feeling. I felt so far away from my daddy God and could not hear his voice.   I pondered..... I prayed...... I listened..... I thought....... And still nothing. I became physically,emotionally, and spiritually drained...... I became weary...... I became fearful. Even though I have been blessed in some areas of my life over the last few months, the feeling of failure had taken over me. The sad part is ,I didn't realize the battle that had shown up on my door step.  Until today......... Photo Credit When I read this,  my spirit was quickened...... My lack of understanding increased.  I now see the battle in front of me. The enemy knows our weakness and he preys u...