I spent three years in grad school learning multiple theories on personality, development, and how do conduct talk therapy. Thousands of hours from work experience has taught me sometimes the best answer for life's problems is a four-letter word . Bob Newhart puts it humorously in his Mad TV episode: [youtube=http://youtu.be/Ow0lr63y4Mw] Stop. It. In case you think I'm a heartless counselor, I should preface that my comments are personal lessons I've learned also as a teacher, parent, and recovered bulimic/anorexic. There are some situations where the best answer in changing behavior it to simply STOP. The other word for it is one that's missing from today's vernacular: self-control. Are there areas in your life that need self-control? Are there areas where the first step in change lies in "stopping the behavior," even just once? I know of which I speak. There have been more areas than just eatin...