If I were to write a complete list of every time the Lord blocked a situation in my life and I broke through the barricade, my list would lap the world a few times over. Disobedience through my emotions has caused me great pain in my lifetime. Caving into what my flesh has desired has never lined up with what the Lord has had for me. And my own justifications for doing so, well let's just say pride had a lot to do with it. It has taken many of falls, much heart break and several do overs to get to a place in my own thinking where I have realized to trust the block, to accept the barricades for my own wellbeing and the wisdom to see past my own wants. His plans are far better than any of my own. And in this season of my life, I have a profound peace in that knowledge. However, in my earlier years, my foolish ways caused an abundance of unnecessary hard lessons. I never sought the Lord in my decision making. I made what choices I believed to...