I have been hearing the Lord say " shift" for the last year. Shift in the atmosphere, shift in our nation, shift in the church, and a shift in me. When I think about the word shift, I see a grand swope of the hand of God moving all into a direction of peace and wholeness.I believe without a doubt He is doing so, however I never once entertained the though He'd have to do some sifting.... sifting in me. Sifting is a process, a two part process, when sifting wheat. First comes the threshing, the beating of the grain using a flail. Second part is the winnowing, throwing the mixture in the air allowing the wind to blow away the lighter chaffs and the heavier grains to fall back down for recovery. I take a closer look at this process and begin to meditate on how it applies to my life. The threshing is the process of removal; removing those things which will cause me to stumble.When God begins to remove, He does so with the in...